W3C CSS Validator results for https://www.fotov60.com/wp-content/themes/fotov60/style.css?ver=4.4 (CSS level 3)

Sorry! We found the following errors (19)

URI : https://www.fotov60.com/wp-content/themes/fotov60/style.css?ver=4.4

67 #content Value Error : background-image linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px,transparent 1px) is not a background-image value : linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px,transparent 1px) linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px,transparent 1px)
247 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap
252 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap
266 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap
280 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap
1299 .socialfooter ul Value Error : display inline-flex is not a display value : inline-flex inline-flex
1679 .wp-caption Parse Error [empty string]
1709 #menu li a Parse Error [empty string]
1750 Parse Error (min-width:900px) { .follow-button{ background-color: #934b4b !important; } #mobile-nav{ display:none; } .mobileSidebsr { display: none; } .mobile-search-box{ display: none; } div#nav { background: #0c121f; border-radius: 5px; } div#nav ul li { display: inline-flex; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-right: 10px; font-family: emoji; } #toggleButton { display: none; } }
1769 #navbar ul li Property flex doesn't exist : none none
1800 #menu li a Parse Error [empty string]
1809 div#nav button Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1824 #menu.show Parse Error [empty string]
1839 #sidebar Value Error : min-height auto is not a min-height value : auto auto
1871 .socialfooter ul li Value Error : display inline-flex is not a display value : inline-flex inline-flex
2156 Parse Error (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 899px) { * { max-width: 100%; } .follow-button{ background: black !important; color: white !important; margin-left: 50px; } body { width: 100%; } #navbar { margin-left: 0; position: relative; width: 100%; } #navbar ul li { flex: none; /* Disable flex distribution on small screens */ width: 100%; /* Make items take up full width */ } #navbar ul li a { margin: 6px 0; } #menu { display: none; position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 0; background-color: #998e8e; width: 100%; text-align: center; } #menu.show { display: block; } #menu li { padding: 10px 0; } #menu li a { padding: 7px; color: white; border-radius: 3px; } #toggleButton { display: block; } div#nav button { text-align: center; align-items: center; margin: 2em 0 0 20em; background: none; } img.pencil-image { height: auto !important; /* margin: 15px 20px; */ } #menu.show { display: block; top: 11.5em; left: 15em; list-style: none; border-radius: 7px; } #header .rss { font-size: 1.2em; padding: 0; font-weight: bold; } #sidebar { padding: 75px 0 10px 28px; background-image: none; float: none; width: 100%; min-height: auto; background: #6e4848 !important; } #footer-bott { padding: 15px 0; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: auto; background: #000; clear: both; color: #fff; font-size: 1.1em; } .blogroll-foot, .recent-foot { display: none; } .socialfooter { float: left; padding: 0; background: lightgray; margin: 0; text-align: center; width: 100%; list-style: none; } .socialfooter ul li { text-align: center; display: inline-flex; } li#categories-2 { display: none; } #footer { padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: auto; background: #bcc5c1; clear: both; } .post-horizontal-line{ display: none; } .navigation-bott{ width: 100%; max-width: 100%; margin: 60px 0 30px 0px; } .entry{padding-right: 20px;} div#nav{ margin-top: 35px; float: right; } .rotate-icon { transform: rotate(-45deg); } li#custom_html-7 { display: none; } li#custom_html-8 { display: none !important; } li#nav_menu-3 { display: none } li#linkcat-2 { display: none } .socialfooter { padding-top: 10px } .footerlinks { padding-top: 10px } #menu.show { top: 21em !important; left: 0em !important; border-radius: 7px; padding-top: 10px; max-width: 100%; } .desktopSidebar { display: none !important; } #container { padding-right: 15px; width: auto !important; margin-top: 46px !important; background: none !important; } #header { margin: 0 !important; height: auto !important; width: auto !important; color: #000 !important; } body { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; /* min-width: 700px !important; */ } #page { margin: 0 auto !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; text-align: center !important; } #content { width: auto !important; float: none !important; } #content-bottom { width: auto !important; height: auto !important; background: none !important; margin: 0 !important; } .column { padding: 30px 0 20px 34px !important; margin: 0 !important; width: auto !important; min-height: auto !important; background-color: #f5f5f5 !important; background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 1px, transparent 1px) !important; background-size: 100% 20px !important; background-position: 0 0 !important; } .posttitle{ width: 100%; padding: 0 0 18px 0px; background: none; } h2.pagetitle{ width: 100%; } #sidebar{ padding: 75px 0 10px 0px; } /* Navbar start */ #navbar { margin-left: 0 !important; position: absolute !important; width: auto !important; } }
2291 Parse Error (max-width: 768px) { * { max-width: 100%; } /* .column .entry p span em strong{ font-size: 12px !important; } */ .post-horizontal-line{ display: none; } .navigation-bott{ width: 100%; max-width: 100%; margin: 60px 0 30px 0px; } .entry{padding-right: 20px;} div#nav{ margin-top: 35px; float: right; } .rotate-icon { transform: rotate(-45deg); } li#custom_html-7 { display: none; } li#custom_html-8 { display: none !important; } li#nav_menu-3 { display: none } li#linkcat-2 { display: none } .socialfooter { padding-top: 10px } .footerlinks { padding-top: 10px } #menu.show { top: 21em !important; left: 0em !important; border-radius: 7px; padding-top: 10px; max-width: 100%; } .desktopSidebar { display: none !important; } #container { padding-right: 15px; width: auto !important; margin-top: 46px !important; background: none !important; } #header { margin: 0 !important; height: auto !important; width: auto !important; color: #000 !important; } body { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; /* min-width: 700px !important; */ } #page { margin: 0 auto !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; text-align: center !important; } #content { width: auto !important; float: none !important; } #content-bottom { width: auto !important; height: auto !important; background: none !important; margin: 0 !important; } .column { padding: 30px 0 20px 34px !important; margin: 0 !important; width: auto !important; min-height: auto !important; background-color: #f5f5f5 !important; background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 1px, transparent 1px) !important; background-size: 100% 20px !important; background-position: 0 0 !important; } .posttitle{ width: 100%; padding: 0 0 18px 0px; background: none; } h2.pagetitle{ width: 100%; } #sidebar{ padding: 75px 0 10px 0px; } /* Navbar start */ #navbar { margin-left: 0 !important; position: absolute !important; width: auto !important; } }
2444 Parse Error (max-width: 520px) { * { max-width: 100%; } .gallery-item{ float:none!important; margin:auto; width:auto!important; max-width:280px; } .gallery-item img { width: 100%; height:auto; } .follow-button{ background: black !important; color: white !important; margin-left: 50px !important; } /* .column .entry p span em strong{ font-size: 12px !important; } */ .post-horizontal-line{ display: none; } .navigation-bott{ width: 100%; max-width: 100%; margin: 60px 0 30px 0px; } .entry{padding-right: 20px;} div#nav{ margin-top: 35px; /* float: right; */ } .rotate-icon { transform: rotate(-45deg); } li#custom_html-7 { display: none; } li#custom_html-8 { display: none !important; } li#nav_menu-3 { display: none } li#linkcat-2 { display: none } .socialfooter { padding-top: 10px } .footerlinks { padding-top: 10px } #menu.show { top: 21em !important; left: 0em !important; border-radius: 7px; padding-top: 10px; max-width: 100%; } .desktopSidebar { display: none !important; } #container { padding-right: 15px; width: auto !important; margin-top: 46px !important; background: none !important; } #header { margin: 0 !important; height: auto !important; width: auto !important; color: #000 !important; } body { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; /* min-width: 700px !important; */ } #page { margin: 0 auto !important; padding: 0 !important; /* width: 100% !important; */ text-align: center !important; } #content { width: auto !important; float: none !important; } #content-bottom { width: auto !important; height: auto !important; background: none !important; margin: 0 !important; } .column { padding: 30px 0 20px 34px !important; margin: 0 !important; width: auto !important; min-height: auto !important; background-color: #f5f5f5 !important; background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 1px, transparent 1px) !important; background-size: 100% 20px !important; background-position: 0 0 !important; } .posttitle{ width: 100%; padding: 0 0 18px 0px; background: none; } h2.pagetitle{ width: 100%; } #sidebar{ padding: 75px 0 10px 0px; background: #6e4848 !important; } /* Navbar start */ #navbar { margin-left: 0 !important; position: absolute !important; width: auto !important; } }
2489 #categories-2 select Parse Error [empty string]

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Warnings (171)

URI : https://www.fotov60.com/wp-content/themes/fotov60/style.css?ver=4.4

33 body You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
51 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and #header
51 #header You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
66 #content You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
104 #navbar ul li You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
117 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #navbar ul li a
117 #navbar ul li a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
152 .column .entry Redefinition of line-height
188 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and .post-edit-link a
188 .post-edit-link a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
205 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .postcomments span
205 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .postcomments span
205 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .postcomments span
205 .postcomments span You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
212 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .postcomments a
212 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .postcomments a
212 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .postcomments a
212 .postcomments a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
244 Redefinition of src
261 Redefinition of src
275 Redefinition of src
289 Redefinition of src
314 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and #header .rss a
314 #header .rss a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
318 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and #header .rss a:hover
318 #header .rss a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
326 h1 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
337 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and h1 a:visited
337 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and h1
337 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and #header .description
337 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and h1 a:hover
337 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and h1 a
337 h1 a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
337 h1 a:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
337 #header .description You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
337 h1 a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
337 h1 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
342 h2 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and h2 a:visited
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and h2 a
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and h2 a
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and h2 a:visited
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and h3
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and h3 a
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and h3
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and h3 a:visited
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and h3
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and h3 a:visited
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and h2
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and h3 a
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and h2
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and h3 a:visited
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and h2
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and h3 a
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and h2 a:visited
357 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and h2 a
357 h2 a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
357 h2 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
357 h3 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
357 h2 a:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
357 h3 a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
357 h3 a:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
376 H4 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
377 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and H4
377 H4 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
388 H5 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
389 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and H5
389 H5 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
397 H6 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
398 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and H6
398 H6 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
404 .thread-alt You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
408 .thread-even You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
473 small a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
478 small a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
488 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .fourofour
488 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .fourofour
488 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .fourofour
488 .fourofour You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
495 .entry p a:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
499 .sticky You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
509 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and commentlabel
509 commentlabel You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
534 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and .commentlist cite
534 .commentlist cite You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
541 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and .commentlist cite a
541 .commentlist cite a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
562 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #commentform p a
562 #commentform p a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
571 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #sidebar
575 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #sidebar a
575 #sidebar a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
588 strike You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
588 .nocomments You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
588 blockquote You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
588 small You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
592 code font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
603 a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
609 a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
609 h3 a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
615 h2 a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
615 h3 a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
641 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and .form-message
641 .form-message You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
650 input.message-field font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
655 input.message-field You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
664 .message-box textarea font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
669 .message-box textarea You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
711 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and h2.archivetitle
711 h2.archivetitle You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
725 #sidebar h2 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
727 #sidebar h2 Redefinition of font-size
740 #sidebar h3 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
742 #sidebar h3 Redefinition of font-size
828 html > body .entry ul Redefinition of padding-left
861 .search-box You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
872 .search-box2 You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
885 input.search-field font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative
901 input.search-go Redefinition of margin-top
944 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #respondcon
944 #respondcon You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
961 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #respond a
961 #respond a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1046 .commentlist p You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1067 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .commentmetadata
1067 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .commentmetadata
1067 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .commentmetadata
1067 .commentmetadata You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1071 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .commentmetadata a
1071 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .commentmetadata a
1071 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .commentmetadata a
1071 .commentmetadata a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1280 #footer You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1285 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and #footer a
1285 #footer a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1302 .socialfooter ul Redefinition of list-style-type
1313 .socialfooter ul li a Redefinition of list-style-type
1352 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and .blogroll-foot
1352 .blogroll-foot You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1358 .blogroll-foot ul Redefinition of list-style-type
1394 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and .recent-foot
1394 .recent-foot You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1399 .recent-foot ul Redefinition of list-style-type
1412 .footerlinks Redefinition of list-style-type
1420 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and .footerlinks a
1420 .footerlinks a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1429 .footerlinks ul li Redefinition of list-style-type
1437 .footerhome Redefinition of list-style-type
1454 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #footer-bott a
1454 #footer-bott a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1514 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #wp-calendar th
1514 #wp-calendar th You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1614 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .rightnav a:hover
1614 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .rightnav a:hover
1614 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .rightnav a:hover
1614 .rightnav a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1626 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a and .leftnav a:hover
1626 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menuActive and .leftnav a:hover
1626 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .current_page_item a:hover and .leftnav a:hover
1626 .leftnav a:hover You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1647 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer-bott and th
1647 th You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1676 .wp-caption You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1708 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #menu li a
1708 #menu li a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1713 #menu li a:hover You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1784 #menu You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1799 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .follow-button and #menu li a
1799 #menu li a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1862 .socialfooter You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
1883 #footer You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.

↑ Top

Valid CSS information

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