W3C CSS Validator results for http://majortotosite.top (CSS level 3)

Sorry! We found the following errors (1019)

URI : https://www.majortotosite.top/

53 .wp-block-button__link Parse Error [empty string]
53 .wp-block-button__link Value Error : padding Parse Error + 2px) calc(1.333em + 2px)
56 :root Parse Error {--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--square: 1;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--4-3: 4/3;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--3-4: 3/4;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--3-2: 3/2;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--2-3: 2/3;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--16-9: 16/9;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--aspect-ratio--9-16: 9/16;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--black: #000000;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray: #abb8c3;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--white: #ffffff;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--pale-pink: #f78da7;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-red: #cf2e2e;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange: #ff6900;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber: #fcb900;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan: #7bdcb5;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan: #00d084;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue: #8ed1fc;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue: #0693e3;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-purple: #9b51e0;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(122,220,180) 0%,rgb(0,208,130) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(252,185,0,1) 0%,rgba(255,105,0,1) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(255,105,0,1) 0%,rgb(207,46,46) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(238,238,238) 0%,rgb(169,184,195) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--cool-to-warm-spectrum: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(74,234,220) 0%,rgb(151,120,209) 20%,rgb(207,42,186) 40%,rgb(238,44,130) 60%,rgb(251,105,98) 80%,rgb(254,248,76) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--blush-light-purple: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(255,206,236) 0%,rgb(152,150,240) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--blush-bordeaux: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(254,205,165) 0%,rgb(254,45,45) 50%,rgb(107,0,62) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-dusk: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(255,203,112) 0%,rgb(199,81,192) 50%,rgb(65,88,208) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--pale-ocean: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(255,245,203) 0%,rgb(182,227,212) 50%,rgb(51,167,181) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--electric-grass: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(202,248,128) 0%,rgb(113,206,126) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--midnight: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(2,3,129) 0%,rgb(40,116,252) 100%);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--small: 13px;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--medium: 20px;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--large: 36px;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--x-large: 42px;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--20: 0.44rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--30: 0.67rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--40: 1rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--50: 1.5rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--60: 2.25rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--70: 3.38rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--80: 5.06rem;
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--natural: 6px 6px 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--deep: 12px 12px 50px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--sharp: 6px 6px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--outlined: 6px 6px 0px -3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
56 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--crisp: 6px 6px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
56 :root Parse Error ;}
56 Parse Error [where(.is-layout-flex)]
56 Parse Error [where(.is-layout-grid)]
56 body .is-layout-flex Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
56 .is-layout-flex Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
56 .is-layout-flex Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
56 div Parse Error [is(*]
56 div Parse Error div){margin: 0;}
56 body .is-layout-grid Value Error : display grid is not a display value : grid grid
56 div Parse Error [is(*]
56 div Parse Error div){margin: 0;}
56 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-flex)]
56 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-grid)]
56 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-flex)]
56 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-grid)]
56 .has-black-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--black) !important
56 .has-cyan-bluish-gray-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray) !important
56 .has-white-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--white) !important
56 .has-pale-pink-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-pink) !important
56 .has-vivid-red-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-red) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber) !important
56 .has-light-green-cyan-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-vivid-green-cyan-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-pale-cyan-blue-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue) !important
56 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue) !important
56 .has-vivid-purple-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-purple) !important
56 .has-black-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--black) !important
56 .has-cyan-bluish-gray-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray) !important
56 .has-white-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--white) !important
56 .has-pale-pink-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-pink) !important
56 .has-vivid-red-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-red) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber) !important
56 .has-light-green-cyan-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-vivid-green-cyan-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-pale-cyan-blue-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue) !important
56 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue) !important
56 .has-vivid-purple-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-purple) !important
56 .has-black-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--black) !important
56 .has-cyan-bluish-gray-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray) !important
56 .has-white-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--white) !important
56 .has-pale-pink-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-pink) !important
56 .has-vivid-red-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-red) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber) !important
56 .has-light-green-cyan-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-vivid-green-cyan-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-pale-cyan-blue-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue) !important
56 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue) !important
56 .has-vivid-purple-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-purple) !important
56 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple) !important
56 .has-light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange) !important
56 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red) !important
56 .has-very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray) !important
56 .has-cool-to-warm-spectrum-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--cool-to-warm-spectrum) !important
56 .has-blush-light-purple-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--blush-light-purple) !important
56 .has-blush-bordeaux-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--blush-bordeaux) !important
56 .has-luminous-dusk-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--luminous-dusk) !important
56 .has-pale-ocean-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--pale-ocean) !important
56 .has-electric-grass-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--electric-grass) !important
56 .has-midnight-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--midnight) !important
56 .has-small-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--small) !important
56 .has-medium-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--medium) !important
56 .has-large-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--large) !important
56 .has-x-large-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--x-large) !important
57 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-flex)]
57 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-grid)]
58 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-flex)]
58 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-grid)]
59 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-pullquote)]

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rubik%3A400%2C400i%2C700&display=swap&ver=6.6.2

5 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rubik%3A400%2C400i%2C700&display=swap&ver=6.6.2

12 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rubik%3A400%2C400i%2C700&display=swap&ver=6.6.2

19 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap

URI : https://www.majortotosite.top/wp-content/themes/pokatheme/css/styles-vendor.min.css?ver=3.4.9

1 abbr[title] Value Error : text-decoration dotted is not a text-decoration value : underline dotted underline dotted
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-moz-focusring
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-moz-focusring
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-moz-focusring
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-moz-focusring
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-inner-spin-button [-webkit-inner-spin-button]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-outer-spin-button [-webkit-outer-spin-button]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-search-cancel-button [-webkit-search-cancel-button]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-search-decoration [-webkit-search-decoration]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-file-upload-button [-webkit-file-upload-button]
1 Sorry, the at-rule @-ms-viewport is not implemented.
1 body Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension .5rem
1 p Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
1 address Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
1 dl, ol, ul Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
1 dd Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension .5rem
1 blockquote Value Error : margin Unknown dimension 1rem
1 pre Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
1 figure Value Error : margin Unknown dimension 1rem
1 [role="button"], a, area, button, input, label, select, summary, textarea Property touch-action doesn't exist : manipulation manipulation
1 caption Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension .75rem
1 caption Value Error : padding-bottom Unknown dimension .75rem
1 label Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension .5rem
1 button:focus Too many values or values are not recognized : 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color
1 legend Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension .5rem
1 legend Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension .5rem
1 .h1, h1 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.5rem
1 .h2, h2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2rem
1 .h3, h3 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.75rem
1 .h4, h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .h5, h5 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.25rem
1 .h6, h6 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .lead Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.25rem
1 .display-1 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 6rem
1 .display-2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 5.5rem
1 .display-3 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 4.5rem
1 .display-4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 3.5rem
1 hr Value Error : margin-top Unknown dimension 1rem
1 hr Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
1 hr Value Error : border-top Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1 .blockquote Value Error : padding Unknown dimension .5rem
1 .blockquote Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .blockquote Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .blockquote Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.25rem
1 .blockquote Value Error : border-left Unknown dimension .25rem
1 .blockquote-reverse Value Error : padding-right Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .blockquote-reverse Value Error : border-right Unknown dimension .25rem
1 .img-thumbnail Value Error : padding Unknown dimension .25rem
1 .img-thumbnail Unknown dimension .25rem
1 .img-thumbnail Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.2s ease-in-out all 0.2s ease-in-out
1 .figure-img Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension .5rem
1 .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension .5rem
1 .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .btn Unknown dimension .25rem
1 .btn Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.2s ease-in-out all 0.2s ease-in-out
1 .btn.focus, .btn:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(2,117,216,0.25) 0 0 0 2px rgba(2,117,216,0.25)
1 a.btn.disabled, fieldset[disabled] a.btn Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none
1 .btn-primary.focus, .btn-primary:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(2,117,216,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(2,117,216,0.5)
1 .btn-secondary.focus, .btn-secondary:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(204,204,204,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(204,204,204,0.5)
1 .btn-info.focus, .btn-info:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(91,192,222,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(91,192,222,0.5)
1 .btn-success.focus, .btn-success:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(92,184,92,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(92,184,92,0.5)
1 .btn-warning.focus, .btn-warning:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(240,173,78,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(240,173,78,0.5)
1 .btn-danger.focus, .btn-danger:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(217,83,79,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(217,83,79,0.5)
1 .btn-outline-primary.focus, .btn-outline-primary:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(2,117,216,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(2,117,216,0.5)
1 .btn-outline-secondary.focus, .btn-outline-secondary:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(204,204,204,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(204,204,204,0.5)
1 .btn-outline-info.focus, .btn-outline-info:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(91,192,222,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(91,192,222,0.5)
1 .btn-outline-success.focus, .btn-outline-success:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(92,184,92,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(92,184,92,0.5)
1 .btn-outline-warning.focus, .btn-outline-warning:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(240,173,78,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(240,173,78,0.5)
1 .btn-outline-danger.focus, .btn-outline-danger:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 2px rgba(217,83,79,0.5) 0 0 0 2px rgba(217,83,79,0.5)
1 .btn-link Parse Error [empty string]
1 .btn-lg Value Error : padding Unknown dimension .75rem
1 .btn-lg Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .btn-lg Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.25rem
1 .btn-lg Unknown dimension .3rem
1 .btn-sm Value Error : padding Unknown dimension .25rem
1 .btn-sm Value Error : padding Unknown dimension .5rem
1 .btn-sm Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension .875rem
1 .btn-sm Unknown dimension .2rem
1 .btn-block + .btn-block Value Error : margin-top Unknown dimension .5rem
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.container{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.container{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.container{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.container{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.container{width:540px;max-width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.container{width:720px;max-width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.container{width:960px;max-width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.container{width:1140px;max-width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.container-fluid{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.container-fluid{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.container-fluid{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.container-fluid{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 .row Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
1 .row Value Error : display -webkit-flex is not a display value : -webkit-flex -webkit-flex
1 .row Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
1 .row Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .row Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.row{margin-right:-15px;margin-left:-15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.row{margin-right:-15px;margin-left:-15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.row{margin-right:-15px;margin-left:-15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.row{margin-right:-15px;margin-left:-15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.col,.col-1,.col-10,.col-11,.col-12,.col-2,.col-3,.col-4,.col-5,.col-6,.col-7,.col-8,.col-9,.col-lg,.col-lg-1,.col-lg-10,.col-lg-11,.col-lg-12,.col-lg-2,.col-lg-3,.col-lg-4,.col-lg-5,.col-lg-6,.col-lg-7,.col-lg-8,.col-lg-9,.col-md,.col-md-1,.col-md-10,.col-md-11,.col-md-12,.col-md-2,.col-md-3,.col-md-4,.col-md-5,.col-md-6,.col-md-7,.col-md-8,.col-md-9,.col-sm,.col-sm-1,.col-sm-10,.col-sm-11,.col-sm-12,.col-sm-2,.col-sm-3,.col-sm-4,.col-sm-5,.col-sm-6,.col-sm-7,.col-sm-8,.col-sm-9,.col-xl,.col-xl-1,.col-xl-10,.col-xl-11,.col-xl-12,.col-xl-2,.col-xl-3,.col-xl-4,.col-xl-5,.col-xl-6,.col-xl-7,.col-xl-8,.col-xl-9{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.col,.col-1,.col-10,.col-11,.col-12,.col-2,.col-3,.col-4,.col-5,.col-6,.col-7,.col-8,.col-9,.col-lg,.col-lg-1,.col-lg-10,.col-lg-11,.col-lg-12,.col-lg-2,.col-lg-3,.col-lg-4,.col-lg-5,.col-lg-6,.col-lg-7,.col-lg-8,.col-lg-9,.col-md,.col-md-1,.col-md-10,.col-md-11,.col-md-12,.col-md-2,.col-md-3,.col-md-4,.col-md-5,.col-md-6,.col-md-7,.col-md-8,.col-md-9,.col-sm,.col-sm-1,.col-sm-10,.col-sm-11,.col-sm-12,.col-sm-2,.col-sm-3,.col-sm-4,.col-sm-5,.col-sm-6,.col-sm-7,.col-sm-8,.col-sm-9,.col-xl,.col-xl-1,.col-xl-10,.col-xl-11,.col-xl-12,.col-xl-2,.col-xl-3,.col-xl-4,.col-xl-5,.col-xl-6,.col-xl-7,.col-xl-8,.col-xl-9{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.col,.col-1,.col-10,.col-11,.col-12,.col-2,.col-3,.col-4,.col-5,.col-6,.col-7,.col-8,.col-9,.col-lg,.col-lg-1,.col-lg-10,.col-lg-11,.col-lg-12,.col-lg-2,.col-lg-3,.col-lg-4,.col-lg-5,.col-lg-6,.col-lg-7,.col-lg-8,.col-lg-9,.col-md,.col-md-1,.col-md-10,.col-md-11,.col-md-12,.col-md-2,.col-md-3,.col-md-4,.col-md-5,.col-md-6,.col-md-7,.col-md-8,.col-md-9,.col-sm,.col-sm-1,.col-sm-10,.col-sm-11,.col-sm-12,.col-sm-2,.col-sm-3,.col-sm-4,.col-sm-5,.col-sm-6,.col-sm-7,.col-sm-8,.col-sm-9,.col-xl,.col-xl-1,.col-xl-10,.col-xl-11,.col-xl-12,.col-xl-2,.col-xl-3,.col-xl-4,.col-xl-5,.col-xl-6,.col-xl-7,.col-xl-8,.col-xl-9{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.col,.col-1,.col-10,.col-11,.col-12,.col-2,.col-3,.col-4,.col-5,.col-6,.col-7,.col-8,.col-9,.col-lg,.col-lg-1,.col-lg-10,.col-lg-11,.col-lg-12,.col-lg-2,.col-lg-3,.col-lg-4,.col-lg-5,.col-lg-6,.col-lg-7,.col-lg-8,.col-lg-9,.col-md,.col-md-1,.col-md-10,.col-md-11,.col-md-12,.col-md-2,.col-md-3,.col-md-4,.col-md-5,.col-md-6,.col-md-7,.col-md-8,.col-md-9,.col-sm,.col-sm-1,.col-sm-10,.col-sm-11,.col-sm-12,.col-sm-2,.col-sm-3,.col-sm-4,.col-sm-5,.col-sm-6,.col-sm-7,.col-sm-8,.col-sm-9,.col-xl,.col-xl-1,.col-xl-10,.col-xl-11,.col-xl-12,.col-xl-2,.col-xl-3,.col-xl-4,.col-xl-5,.col-xl-6,.col-xl-7,.col-xl-8,.col-xl-9{padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px}}
1 .col Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 0 0
1 .col Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .col-auto Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 auto 0 0 auto
1 .col-1 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 8.333333% 0 0 8.333333%
1 .col-2 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 16.666668% 0 0 16.666668%
1 .col-3 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 25% 0 0 25%
1 .col-4 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 33.333332% 0 0 33.333332%
1 .col-5 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 41.666668% 0 0 41.666668%
1 .col-6 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 50% 0 0 50%
1 .col-7 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 58.333332% 0 0 58.333332%
1 .col-8 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 66.666664% 0 0 66.666664%
1 .col-9 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 75% 0 0 75%
1 .col-10 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 83.333336% 0 0 83.333336%
1 .col-11 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 91.666664% 0 0 91.666664%
1 .col-12 Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 100% 0 0 100%
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.col-sm{-webkit-flex-basis:0;-ms-flex-preferred-size:0;flex-basis:0;-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex-grow:1;-ms-flex-positive:1;flex-grow:1;max-width:100%}.col-sm-auto{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;width:auto}.col-sm-1{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 8.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 8.333333%;flex:0 0 8.333333%;max-width:8.333333%}.col-sm-2{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 16.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 16.666667%;flex:0 0 16.666667%;max-width:16.666667%}.col-sm-3{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 25%;-ms-flex:0 0 25%;flex:0 0 25%;max-width:25%}.col-sm-4{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 33.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 33.333333%;flex:0 0 33.333333%;max-width:33.333333%}.col-sm-5{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 41.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 41.666667%;flex:0 0 41.666667%;max-width:41.666667%}.col-sm-6{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 50%;-ms-flex:0 0 50%;flex:0 0 50%;max-width:50%}.col-sm-7{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 58.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 58.333333%;flex:0 0 58.333333%;max-width:58.333333%}.col-sm-8{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 66.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 66.666667%;flex:0 0 66.666667%;max-width:66.666667%}.col-sm-9{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 75%;-ms-flex:0 0 75%;flex:0 0 75%;max-width:75%}.col-sm-10{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 83.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 83.333333%;flex:0 0 83.333333%;max-width:83.333333%}.col-sm-11{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 91.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 91.666667%;flex:0 0 91.666667%;max-width:91.666667%}.col-sm-12{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 100%;-ms-flex:0 0 100%;flex:0 0 100%;max-width:100%}.pull-sm-0{right:auto}.pull-sm-1{right:8.333333%}.pull-sm-2{right:16.666667%}.pull-sm-3{right:25%}.pull-sm-4{right:33.333333%}.pull-sm-5{right:41.666667%}.pull-sm-6{right:50%}.pull-sm-7{right:58.333333%}.pull-sm-8{right:66.666667%}.pull-sm-9{right:75%}.pull-sm-10{right:83.333333%}.pull-sm-11{right:91.666667%}.pull-sm-12{right:100%}.push-sm-0{left:auto}.push-sm-1{left:8.333333%}.push-sm-2{left:16.666667%}.push-sm-3{left:25%}.push-sm-4{left:33.333333%}.push-sm-5{left:41.666667%}.push-sm-6{left:50%}.push-sm-7{left:58.333333%}.push-sm-8{left:66.666667%}.push-sm-9{left:75%}.push-sm-10{left:83.333333%}.push-sm-11{left:91.666667%}.push-sm-12{left:100%}.offset-sm-0{margin-left:0}.offset-sm-1{margin-left:8.333333%}.offset-sm-2{margin-left:16.666667%}.offset-sm-3{margin-left:25%}.offset-sm-4{margin-left:33.333333%}.offset-sm-5{margin-left:41.666667%}.offset-sm-6{margin-left:50%}.offset-sm-7{margin-left:58.333333%}.offset-sm-8{margin-left:66.666667%}.offset-sm-9{margin-left:75%}.offset-sm-10{margin-left:83.333333%}.offset-sm-11{margin-left:91.666667%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.col-md{-webkit-flex-basis:0;-ms-flex-preferred-size:0;flex-basis:0;-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex-grow:1;-ms-flex-positive:1;flex-grow:1;max-width:100%}.col-md-auto{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;width:auto}.col-md-1{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 8.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 8.333333%;flex:0 0 8.333333%;max-width:8.333333%}.col-md-2{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 16.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 16.666667%;flex:0 0 16.666667%;max-width:16.666667%}.col-md-3{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 25%;-ms-flex:0 0 25%;flex:0 0 25%;max-width:25%}.col-md-4{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 33.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 33.333333%;flex:0 0 33.333333%;max-width:33.333333%}.col-md-5{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 41.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 41.666667%;flex:0 0 41.666667%;max-width:41.666667%}.col-md-6{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 50%;-ms-flex:0 0 50%;flex:0 0 50%;max-width:50%}.col-md-7{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 58.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 58.333333%;flex:0 0 58.333333%;max-width:58.333333%}.col-md-8{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 66.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 66.666667%;flex:0 0 66.666667%;max-width:66.666667%}.col-md-9{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 75%;-ms-flex:0 0 75%;flex:0 0 75%;max-width:75%}.col-md-10{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 83.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 83.333333%;flex:0 0 83.333333%;max-width:83.333333%}.col-md-11{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 91.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 91.666667%;flex:0 0 91.666667%;max-width:91.666667%}.col-md-12{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 100%;-ms-flex:0 0 100%;flex:0 0 100%;max-width:100%}.pull-md-0{right:auto}.pull-md-1{right:8.333333%}.pull-md-2{right:16.666667%}.pull-md-3{right:25%}.pull-md-4{right:33.333333%}.pull-md-5{right:41.666667%}.pull-md-6{right:50%}.pull-md-7{right:58.333333%}.pull-md-8{right:66.666667%}.pull-md-9{right:75%}.pull-md-10{right:83.333333%}.pull-md-11{right:91.666667%}.pull-md-12{right:100%}.push-md-0{left:auto}.push-md-1{left:8.333333%}.push-md-2{left:16.666667%}.push-md-3{left:25%}.push-md-4{left:33.333333%}.push-md-5{left:41.666667%}.push-md-6{left:50%}.push-md-7{left:58.333333%}.push-md-8{left:66.666667%}.push-md-9{left:75%}.push-md-10{left:83.333333%}.push-md-11{left:91.666667%}.push-md-12{left:100%}.offset-md-0{margin-left:0}.offset-md-1{margin-left:8.333333%}.offset-md-2{margin-left:16.666667%}.offset-md-3{margin-left:25%}.offset-md-4{margin-left:33.333333%}.offset-md-5{margin-left:41.666667%}.offset-md-6{margin-left:50%}.offset-md-7{margin-left:58.333333%}.offset-md-8{margin-left:66.666667%}.offset-md-9{margin-left:75%}.offset-md-10{margin-left:83.333333%}.offset-md-11{margin-left:91.666667%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.col-lg{-webkit-flex-basis:0;-ms-flex-preferred-size:0;flex-basis:0;-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex-grow:1;-ms-flex-positive:1;flex-grow:1;max-width:100%}.col-lg-auto{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;width:auto}.col-lg-1{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 8.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 8.333333%;flex:0 0 8.333333%;max-width:8.333333%}.col-lg-2{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 16.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 16.666667%;flex:0 0 16.666667%;max-width:16.666667%}.col-lg-3{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 25%;-ms-flex:0 0 25%;flex:0 0 25%;max-width:25%}.col-lg-4{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 33.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 33.333333%;flex:0 0 33.333333%;max-width:33.333333%}.col-lg-5{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 41.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 41.666667%;flex:0 0 41.666667%;max-width:41.666667%}.col-lg-6{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 50%;-ms-flex:0 0 50%;flex:0 0 50%;max-width:50%}.col-lg-7{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 58.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 58.333333%;flex:0 0 58.333333%;max-width:58.333333%}.col-lg-8{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 66.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 66.666667%;flex:0 0 66.666667%;max-width:66.666667%}.col-lg-9{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 75%;-ms-flex:0 0 75%;flex:0 0 75%;max-width:75%}.col-lg-10{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 83.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 83.333333%;flex:0 0 83.333333%;max-width:83.333333%}.col-lg-11{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 91.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 91.666667%;flex:0 0 91.666667%;max-width:91.666667%}.col-lg-12{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 100%;-ms-flex:0 0 100%;flex:0 0 100%;max-width:100%}.pull-lg-0{right:auto}.pull-lg-1{right:8.333333%}.pull-lg-2{right:16.666667%}.pull-lg-3{right:25%}.pull-lg-4{right:33.333333%}.pull-lg-5{right:41.666667%}.pull-lg-6{right:50%}.pull-lg-7{right:58.333333%}.pull-lg-8{right:66.666667%}.pull-lg-9{right:75%}.pull-lg-10{right:83.333333%}.pull-lg-11{right:91.666667%}.pull-lg-12{right:100%}.push-lg-0{left:auto}.push-lg-1{left:8.333333%}.push-lg-2{left:16.666667%}.push-lg-3{left:25%}.push-lg-4{left:33.333333%}.push-lg-5{left:41.666667%}.push-lg-6{left:50%}.push-lg-7{left:58.333333%}.push-lg-8{left:66.666667%}.push-lg-9{left:75%}.push-lg-10{left:83.333333%}.push-lg-11{left:91.666667%}.push-lg-12{left:100%}.offset-lg-0{margin-left:0}.offset-lg-1{margin-left:8.333333%}.offset-lg-2{margin-left:16.666667%}.offset-lg-3{margin-left:25%}.offset-lg-4{margin-left:33.333333%}.offset-lg-5{margin-left:41.666667%}.offset-lg-6{margin-left:50%}.offset-lg-7{margin-left:58.333333%}.offset-lg-8{margin-left:66.666667%}.offset-lg-9{margin-left:75%}.offset-lg-10{margin-left:83.333333%}.offset-lg-11{margin-left:91.666667%}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.col-xl{-webkit-flex-basis:0;-ms-flex-preferred-size:0;flex-basis:0;-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex-grow:1;-ms-flex-positive:1;flex-grow:1;max-width:100%}.col-xl-auto{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;width:auto}.col-xl-1{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 8.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 8.333333%;flex:0 0 8.333333%;max-width:8.333333%}.col-xl-2{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 16.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 16.666667%;flex:0 0 16.666667%;max-width:16.666667%}.col-xl-3{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 25%;-ms-flex:0 0 25%;flex:0 0 25%;max-width:25%}.col-xl-4{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 33.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 33.333333%;flex:0 0 33.333333%;max-width:33.333333%}.col-xl-5{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 41.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 41.666667%;flex:0 0 41.666667%;max-width:41.666667%}.col-xl-6{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 50%;-ms-flex:0 0 50%;flex:0 0 50%;max-width:50%}.col-xl-7{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 58.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 58.333333%;flex:0 0 58.333333%;max-width:58.333333%}.col-xl-8{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 66.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 66.666667%;flex:0 0 66.666667%;max-width:66.666667%}.col-xl-9{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 75%;-ms-flex:0 0 75%;flex:0 0 75%;max-width:75%}.col-xl-10{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 83.333333%;-ms-flex:0 0 83.333333%;flex:0 0 83.333333%;max-width:83.333333%}.col-xl-11{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 91.666667%;-ms-flex:0 0 91.666667%;flex:0 0 91.666667%;max-width:91.666667%}.col-xl-12{-webkit-box-flex:0;-webkit-flex:0 0 100%;-ms-flex:0 0 100%;flex:0 0 100%;max-width:100%}.pull-xl-0{right:auto}.pull-xl-1{right:8.333333%}.pull-xl-2{right:16.666667%}.pull-xl-3{right:25%}.pull-xl-4{right:33.333333%}.pull-xl-5{right:41.666667%}.pull-xl-6{right:50%}.pull-xl-7{right:58.333333%}.pull-xl-8{right:66.666667%}.pull-xl-9{right:75%}.pull-xl-10{right:83.333333%}.pull-xl-11{right:91.666667%}.pull-xl-12{right:100%}.push-xl-0{left:auto}.push-xl-1{left:8.333333%}.push-xl-2{left:16.666667%}.push-xl-3{left:25%}.push-xl-4{left:33.333333%}.push-xl-5{left:41.666667%}.push-xl-6{left:50%}.push-xl-7{left:58.333333%}.push-xl-8{left:66.666667%}.push-xl-9{left:75%}.push-xl-10{left:83.333333%}.push-xl-11{left:91.666667%}.push-xl-12{left:100%}.offset-xl-0{margin-left:0}.offset-xl-1{margin-left:8.333333%}.offset-xl-2{margin-left:16.666667%}.offset-xl-3{margin-left:25%}.offset-xl-4{margin-left:33.333333%}.offset-xl-5{margin-left:41.666667%}.offset-xl-6{margin-left:50%}.offset-xl-7{margin-left:58.333333%}.offset-xl-8{margin-left:66.666667%}.offset-xl-9{margin-left:75%}.offset-xl-10{margin-left:83.333333%}.offset-xl-11{margin-left:91.666667%}}
1 .d-flex Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
1 .d-flex Value Error : display -webkit-flex is not a display value : -webkit-flex -webkit-flex
1 .d-flex Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
1 .d-flex Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .d-inline-flex Value Error : display -webkit-inline-box is not a display value : -webkit-inline-box -webkit-inline-box
1 .d-inline-flex Value Error : display -webkit-inline-flex is not a display value : -webkit-inline-flex -webkit-inline-flex
1 .d-inline-flex Value Error : display -ms-inline-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-inline-flexbox -ms-inline-flexbox
1 .d-inline-flex Value Error : display inline-flex is not a display value : inline-flex inline-flex
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.d-sm-none{display:none!important}.d-sm-inline{display:inline!important}.d-sm-inline-block{display:inline-block!important}.d-sm-block{display:block!important}.d-sm-table{display:table!important}.d-sm-table-cell{display:table-cell!important}.d-sm-flex{display:-webkit-box!important;display:-webkit-flex!important;display:-ms-flexbox!important;display:flex!important}.d-sm-inline-flex{display:-webkit-inline-box!important;display:-webkit-inline-flex!important;display:-ms-inline-flexbox!important;display:inline-flex!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.d-md-none{display:none!important}.d-md-inline{display:inline!important}.d-md-inline-block{display:inline-block!important}.d-md-block{display:block!important}.d-md-table{display:table!important}.d-md-table-cell{display:table-cell!important}.d-md-flex{display:-webkit-box!important;display:-webkit-flex!important;display:-ms-flexbox!important;display:flex!important}.d-md-inline-flex{display:-webkit-inline-box!important;display:-webkit-inline-flex!important;display:-ms-inline-flexbox!important;display:inline-flex!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.d-lg-none{display:none!important}.d-lg-inline{display:inline!important}.d-lg-inline-block{display:inline-block!important}.d-lg-block{display:block!important}.d-lg-table{display:table!important}.d-lg-table-cell{display:table-cell!important}.d-lg-flex{display:-webkit-box!important;display:-webkit-flex!important;display:-ms-flexbox!important;display:flex!important}.d-lg-inline-flex{display:-webkit-inline-box!important;display:-webkit-inline-flex!important;display:-ms-inline-flexbox!important;display:inline-flex!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.d-xl-none{display:none!important}.d-xl-inline{display:inline!important}.d-xl-inline-block{display:inline-block!important}.d-xl-block{display:block!important}.d-xl-table{display:table!important}.d-xl-table-cell{display:table-cell!important}.d-xl-flex{display:-webkit-box!important;display:-webkit-flex!important;display:-ms-flexbox!important;display:flex!important}.d-xl-inline-flex{display:-webkit-inline-box!important;display:-webkit-inline-flex!important;display:-ms-inline-flexbox!important;display:inline-flex!important}}
1 .sticky-top Value Error : position -webkit-sticky is not a position value : -webkit-sticky -webkit-sticky
1 .sticky-top Value Error : position sticky is not a position value : sticky sticky
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.hidden-xs-down{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:576px){.hidden-sm-up{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.hidden-sm-down{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:768px){.hidden-md-up{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.hidden-md-down{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:992px){.hidden-lg-up{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.hidden-lg-down{display:none!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:1200px){.hidden-xl-up{display:none!important}}
1 .animated Property animation-duration doesn't exist : 1s 1s
1 .animated Property animation-fill-mode doesn't exist : both both
1 Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented.
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 .wobble Property animation-name doesn't exist : wobble wobble
1 Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented.
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 .tada Property animation-name doesn't exist : tada tada
10 :root Parse Error {--mm-line-height:20px;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-listitem-size:44px;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-navbar-size:44px;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-offset-top:0;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-offset-right:0;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-offset-bottom:0;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-offset-left:0;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-border:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-button:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-text:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-text-dimmed:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-background:#f3f3f3;
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-background-highlight:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-color-background-emphasis:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
10 :root Parse Error ;--mm-shadow:0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)}
10 .mm-menu Value Error : border-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-menu Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-menu Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-menu Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
10 .mm-menu Value Error : top Parse Error --mm-offset-top)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : right Parse Error --mm-offset-right)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : bottom Parse Error --mm-offset-bottom)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : left Parse Error --mm-offset-left)
10 .mm-menu Property overscroll-behavior doesn't exist : auto auto
10 .mm-menu Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : border-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text)
10 .mm-menu Value Error : line-height Parse Error --mm-line-height)
10 .mm-menu Parse Error --mm-color-background-emphasis)
10 .mm-panel Value Error : border-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-panel Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text)
10 .mm-panel Value Error : border-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-panel Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-panel Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(100%,0,0) translate3d(100%,0,0)
10 .mm-panel Property transition doesn't exist : -webkit-transform 0.4s ease -webkit-transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-panel Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.4s ease transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-panel Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.4s ease,-webkit-transform 0.4s ease transform 0.4s ease,-webkit-transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-panel:after Value Error : height Parse Error --mm-listitem-size)
10 .mm-panel_opened Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
10 .mm-panel_opened-parent Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(-30%,0,0) translate3d(-30%,0,0)
10 .mm-panel_noanimation Property transition doesn't exist : none none
10 .mm-panel_noanimation.mm-panel_opened-parent Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
10 .mm-panels Value Error : border-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-panels Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .mm-panels Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-panels Value Error : border-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-panels Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text)
10 [dir="rtl"] .mm-panel:not(.mm-panel_opened) Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(-100%,0,0) translate3d(-100%,0,0)
10 [dir="rtl"] .mm-panel.mm-panel_opened-parent Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(30%,0,0) translate3d(30%,0,0)
10 .mm-listitem_vertical > .mm-panel Property transform doesn't exist : none none
10 .mm-listitem_vertical > .mm-listitem__btn Value Error : height Parse Error --mm-listitem-size)
10 .mm-listitem_opened > .mm-listitem__btn:after Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(225deg) rotate(225deg)
10 .mm-btn Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 0 0
10 .mm-btn Property flex-shrink doesn't exist : 0 0
10 .mm-btn:after, .mm-btn:before Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
10 .mm-btn:after, .mm-btn:before Value Error : border Parse Error --mm-color-button)
10 .mm-btn_prev:before Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-45deg) rotate(-45deg)
10 .mm-btn_next:after Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(135deg) rotate(135deg)
10 .mm-btn_close:after, .mm-btn_close:before Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-45deg) rotate(-45deg)
10 [dir="rtl"] .mm-btn_next:after Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-45deg) rotate(-45deg)
10 [dir="rtl"] .mm-btn_prev:before Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(135deg) rotate(135deg)
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : min-height Parse Error --mm-navbar-size)
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : border-bottom Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-navbar Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text-dimmed)
10 .mm-navbar Property transition doesn't exist : opacity 0.4s ease opacity 0.4s ease
10 Sorry, the at-rule @supports is not implemented.
10 .mm-navbar > * Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .mm-navbar > * Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-navbar > * Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-navbar > * Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-navbar > * Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
10 .mm-navbar > * Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
10 .mm-navbar__btn Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 0 0
10 .mm-navbar__title Property flex doesn't exist : 1 1 50% 1 1 50%
10 .mm-navbar__title Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-navbar__title Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-navbar__title Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-navbar__title > span Parse Error [empty string]
10 [dir="rtl"] .mm-navbar Property flex-direction doesn't exist : row-reverse row-reverse
10 .mm-listitem Value Error : border-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-listitem Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text)
10 .mm-listitem Value Error : border-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-listitem Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-listitem Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-listitem Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-listitem Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
10 .mm-listitem__btn, .mm-listitem__text Value Error : padding Parse Error calc((var(--mm-listitem-size) - var(--mm-line-height))/ 2)
10 .mm-listitem__text Parse Error [empty string]
10 .mm-listitem__text Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .mm-listitem__text Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 10% 10%
10 .mm-listitem__btn Value Error : background rgba(3,2,1,0) is not a background value : rgba(3,2,1,0) rgba(3,2,1,0)
10 .mm-listitem_selected > .mm-listitem__text Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.4) rgba(255,255,255,0.4)
10 .mm-listitem_selected > .mm-listitem__text Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background-emphasis)
10 .mm-listitem_opened > .mm-listitem__btn, .mm-listitem_opened > .mm-panel Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.05) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.05) rgba(0,0,0,0.05)
10 .mm-listitem_opened > .mm-listitem__btn, .mm-listitem_opened > .mm-panel Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background-highlight)
10 .mm-slideout Property transition doesn't exist : -webkit-transform 0.4s ease -webkit-transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-slideout Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.4s ease transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-slideout Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.4s ease,-webkit-transform 0.4s ease transform 0.4s ease,-webkit-transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-wrapper_opened .mm-page Value Error : min-height Unknown dimension 100vh
10 .mm-menu_offcanvas Value Error : width Unknown dimension 80vw
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_offcanvas.mm-menu_opened ~ .mm-slideout Unknown dimension 80vw
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_offcanvas.mm-menu_opened ~ .mm-slideout Unknown dimension 80vw
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_offcanvas.mm-menu_opened ~ .mm-slideout Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0) translate3d(0,0)
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_offcanvas.mm-menu_opened ~ .mm-slideout Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(240px,0,0) translate3d(240px,0,0)
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_offcanvas.mm-menu_opened ~ .mm-slideout Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(440px,0,0) translate3d(440px,0,0)
10 .mm-wrapper__blocker Value Error : background rgba(3,2,1,0) is not a background value : rgba(3,2,1,0) rgba(3,2,1,0)
10 .mm-sronly Property clip-path doesn't exist : inset(50%) inset(50%)
10 .mm-navbars_top Property flex-shrink doesn't exist : 0 0
10 .mm-navbars_bottom Property flex-shrink doesn't exist : 0 0
10 .mm-navbars_bottom .mm-navbar:first-child Value Error : border-top Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom .mm-navbar:first-child Value Error : border-top Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs Parse Error [empty string]
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs Property flex doesn't exist : 1 1 50% 1 1 50%
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs > * Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs > * Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs > * Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs > * Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
10 .mm-navbar__breadcrumbs > * Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
10 .mm-navbar__tab_selected Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-navbar__tab_selected Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text)
10 .mm-navbar__tab_selected:not(:first-child) Value Error : border-left-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbar__tab_selected:not(:last-child) Value Error : border-right-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbar__tab_selected:not(:first-child) Value Error : border-left-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbar__tab_selected:not(:last-child) Value Error : border-right-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbars_top .mm-navbar_tabs > * Value Error : border-bottom-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbars_top .mm-navbar_tabs > * Value Error : border-bottom-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbars_top .mm-navbar__tab_selected Value Error : border-top-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbars_top .mm-navbar__tab_selected Value Error : border-top-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbars_top.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.4) rgba(255,255,255,0.4)
10 .mm-navbars_top.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background-emphasis)
10 .mm-navbars_top.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar_tabs ~ .mm-navbar Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom .mm-navbar_tabs > * Value Error : border-top-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom .mm-navbar_tabs > * Value Error : border-top-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom .mm-navbar__tab_selected Value Error : border-bottom-color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) is not a border-color value : rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom .mm-navbar__tab_selected Value Error : border-bottom-color Parse Error --mm-color-border)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar_tabs, .mm-navbars_bottom.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar_tabs ~ .mm-navbar Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.4) rgba(255,255,255,0.4)
10 .mm-navbars_bottom.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar_tabs, .mm-navbars_bottom.mm-navbars_has-tabs .mm-navbar_tabs ~ .mm-navbar Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background-emphasis)
10 .mm-searchfield Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-searchfield Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-searchfield Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-searchfield Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .mm-searchfield Value Error : height Parse Error --mm-navbar-size)
10 .mm-searchfield input, .mm-searchfield input:focus, .mm-searchfield input:hover Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.05) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.05) rgba(0,0,0,0.05)
10 .mm-searchfield input Value Error : height Parse Error --mm-navbar-size) * .7)
10 .mm-searchfield input Value Error : min-height unset is not a min-height value : unset unset
10 .mm-searchfield input Value Error : max-height unset is not a max-height value : unset unset
10 .mm-searchfield input Parse Error [empty string]
10 .mm-searchfield input Value Error : line-height Parse Error --mm-navbar-size) * .7)
10 .mm-searchfield input, .mm-searchfield input:focus, .mm-searchfield input:hover Value Error : background Parse Error --mm-color-background-highlight)
10 .mm-searchfield input, .mm-searchfield input:focus, .mm-searchfield input:hover Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text)
10 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-ms-clear [-ms-clear]
10 .mm-searchfield__input Value Error : display -webkit-box is not a display value : -webkit-box -webkit-box
10 .mm-searchfield__input Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
10 .mm-searchfield__input Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
10 .mm-searchfield__input Property flex doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .mm-searchfield__input Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
10 .mm-panel__noresultsmsg Value Error : color Parse Error --mm-color-text-dimmed)
10 .mm-searchfield__cancel Value Error : line-height Parse Error --mm-navbar-size)
10 .mm-searchfield__cancel Property transition doesn't exist : margin 0.4s ease margin 0.4s ease
10 .mm-listitem_onlysubitems > .mm-listitem__text:not(.mm-listitem__btn) Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none
10 .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide Property transition doesn't exist : -webkit-transform 0.4s ease -webkit-transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.4s ease transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.4s ease,-webkit-transform 0.4s ease transform 0.4s ease,-webkit-transform 0.4s ease
10 .mm-wrapper_opened .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(-30%,0,0) translate3d(-30%,0,0)
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
10 .mm-wrapper_opened .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide.mm-menu_position-right Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(30%,0,0) translate3d(30%,0,0)
10 .mm-wrapper_opening .mm-menu_fx-menu-slide.mm-menu_position-right Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
10 .mm-menu_fx-panels-none .mm-panel, .mm-panel_fx-none Property transition-property doesn't exist : none none
10 .mm-menu_fx-panels-none .mm-panel.mm-panel_opened-parent, .mm-panel_fx-none.mm-panel_opened-parent Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
10 .mm-menu_fx-panels-slide-0 .mm-panel_opened-parent Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
10 .mm-menu_fx-panels-slide-100 .mm-panel_opened-parent Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(-100%,0,0) translate3d(-100%,0,0)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-page:after 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-page:after Property clip-path doesn't exist : polygon(-20px 0,0 0,0 100%,-20px 100%) polygon(-20px 0,0 0,0 100%,-20px 100%)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-page:after Parse Error --mm-shadow)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-page:after Parse Error --mm-shadow)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-page.mm-menu_position-right:after Property clip-path doesn't exist : polygon(20px 0,40px 0,40px 100%,20px 100%) polygon(20px 0,40px 0,40px 100%,20px 100%)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-menu 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-menu Parse Error --mm-shadow)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-menu Parse Error --mm-shadow)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-panels .mm-panels > .mm-panel 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-panels .mm-panels > .mm-panel Parse Error --mm-shadow)
10 .mm-menu_shadow-panels .mm-panels > .mm-panel Parse Error --mm-shadow)
10 body.modal-open .mm-slideout Value Error : z-index unset is not a z-index value : unset unset
10 .owl-carousel .owl-stage Property touch-action doesn't exist : manipulation manipulation
10 .owl-carousel.owl-drag .owl-item Property touch-action doesn't exist : pan-y pan-y
10 .owl-carousel.owl-grab Value Error : cursor grab is not a cursor value : grab grab
10 .owl-carousel .animated Property animation-duration doesn't exist : 1s 1s
10 .owl-carousel .animated Property animation-fill-mode doesn't exist : both both
10 .owl-carousel .fadeOut Property animation-name doesn't exist : fadeOut fadeOut
10 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
10 .owl-height Property transition doesn't exist : height 0.5s ease-in-out height 0.5s ease-in-out
10 .owl-carousel .owl-item .owl-lazy Property transition doesn't exist : opacity 0.4s ease opacity 0.4s ease
10 .owl-carousel .owl-item img.owl-lazy Property transform-style doesn't exist : preserve-3d preserve-3d
10 .owl-carousel .owl-video-play-icon Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.1s ease transform 0.1s ease
10 .owl-carousel .owl-video-play-icon:hover Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.3,1.3) scale(1.3,1.3)
10 .owl-carousel .owl-video-tn Property transition doesn't exist : opacity 0.4s ease opacity 0.4s ease
10 .mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close Value Error : cursor -moz-zoom-out is not a cursor value : -moz-zoom-out -moz-zoom-out
10 .mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close Value Error : cursor -webkit-zoom-out is not a cursor value : -webkit-zoom-out -webkit-zoom-out
10 .mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close Value Error : cursor zoom-out is not a cursor value : zoom-out zoom-out
10 .mfp-zoom Value Error : cursor -webkit-zoom-in is not a cursor value : -webkit-zoom-in -webkit-zoom-in
10 .mfp-zoom Value Error : cursor -moz-zoom-in is not a cursor value : -moz-zoom-in -moz-zoom-in
10 .mfp-zoom Value Error : cursor zoom-in is not a cursor value : zoom-in zoom-in
10 button.mfp-arrow, button.mfp-close Property touch-action doesn't exist : manipulation manipulation
10 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
10 .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
10 .mfp-figure:after 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
10 .mfp-title Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
10 Property orientation doesn't exist for media screen : landscape landscape
10 Parse Error ),screen and (max-height:300px){.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-image-holder{padding-left:0;padding-right:0}.mfp-img-mobile img.mfp-img{padding:0}.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure:after{top:0;bottom:0}.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure small{display:inline;margin-left:5px}.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar{background:rgba(0,0,0,.6);bottom:0;margin:0;top:auto;padding:3px 5px;position:fixed;box-sizing:border-box}.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar:empty{padding:0}.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-counter{right:5px;top:3px}.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-close{top:0;right:0;width:35px;height:35px;line-height:35px;background:rgba(0,0,0,.6);position:fixed;text-align:center;padding:0}}
10 .mfp-arrow Property transform doesn't exist : scale(0.75) scale(0.75)
10 .mfp-arrow-left Property transform-origin doesn't exist : 0 0
10 .mfp-arrow-right Property transform-origin doesn't exist : 100% 100%
10 Property font-display doesn't exist : swap swap

URI : https://www.majortotosite.top/wp-content/themes/pokatheme/css/styles.min.css?ver=1676911213

1 h1 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.5714285714rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){h1{font-size:28px;font-size:2rem}}
1 h2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.1428571429rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){h2{font-size:26px;font-size:1.8571428571rem}}
1 h3 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){h3{font-size:22px;font-size:1.5714285714rem}}
1 a Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 0.7rem
1 .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 .btn Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .btn Parse Error [empty string]
1 .btn:after Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(35deg) rotate(35deg)
1 .btn:after Property transition doesn't exist : all 550ms cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1) all 550ms cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1)
1 .btn:hover:after Property transition doesn't exist : all 550ms cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1) all 550ms cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1)
1 .btn--green Parse Error [empty string]
1 .btn--read-more Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 0.8rem
1 .btn--read-more Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1.8rem
1 .btn--read-more Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 .btn:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 .btn.jsNewsAjaxLoadMore.disabled Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none
1 .btn.jsNewsAjaxLoadMore .spinner Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
1 .btn.jsNewsAjaxLoadMore .spinner Parse Error [empty string]
1 .btn.jsNewsAjaxLoadMore .spinner Property animation doesn't exist : spinnerAnim infinite 0.8s spinnerAnim infinite 0.8s
1 .btn.jsNewsAjaxLoadMore .spinner Property transition doesn't exist : opacity 0.5s opacity 0.5s
1 .btn .btn-p2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 .rating .star Parse Error [empty string]
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating-counter Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating .star Parse Error [empty string]
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating .star Property transition doesn't exist : all 100ms linear all 100ms linear
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating.rating-user .star Property transition doesn't exist : transform 500ms transform 500ms
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating.rating-user .star Property transform-origin doesn't exist : center center
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating.rating-user .star .icon-poka Property transform doesn't exist : translateZ(0) scale3d(1,1,1) translateZ(0) scale3d(1,1,1)
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating.rating-user .star .icon-poka Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.1s linear all 0.1s linear
1 .ratings-wrapper .rating.rating-user .star .icon-poka Property transform-origin doesn't exist : center center
1 .form-wrapper input[type="text"], .form-wrapper input[type="email"], .form-wrapper textarea Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .form-wrapper input[type="submit"] Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .social-list li a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .social-list li a Property transition doesn't exist : all 300ms ease all 300ms ease
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){header #logo{width:183px;margin:0 auto;display:block}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.body-header-style4 .head-main{padding:20px 0}}
1 .home .fullscreen-bg Value Error : height Unknown dimension 100vh
1 .home .fullscreen-bg img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 .head-top, .head-inline Value Error : background rgba(49,47,47,0.2) is not a background value : rgba(49,47,47,0.2) rgba(49,47,47,0.2)
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.head-top .top-bar-socials,.head-inline .top-bar-socials{text-align:center}}
1 .head-top .top-bar-socials a, .head-inline .top-bar-socials a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .head-top .top-bar-socials a, .head-inline .top-bar-socials a Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .head-top .top-bar-search, .head-inline .top-bar-search Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.head-top .top-bar-search,.head-inline .top-bar-search{float:none;max-width:250px;margin:10px auto 0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.head-top .top-bar-search .form-group,.head-inline .top-bar-search .form-group{margin:0}}
1 .head-top .top-bar-search .form-control, .head-inline .top-bar-search .form-control Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-input-placeholder [-webkit-input-placeholder]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-input-placeholder [-webkit-input-placeholder]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-placeholder [-moz-placeholder]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-placeholder [-moz-placeholder]
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-ms-input-placeholder
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-ms-input-placeholder
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-moz-placeholder
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :-moz-placeholder
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.head-inline{text-align:center}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.head-inline .top-bar-socials{text-align:center}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.head-main{padding:20px 0}}
1 .head-main .text-intro h1 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.5rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.head-main .text-intro h1{font-size:24px;font-size:1.7142857143rem}}
1 .head-main .text-intro h1:after Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.2) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.2) rgba(255,255,255,0.2)
1 .head-main .text-intro p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.head-main .text-intro p{font-size:14px;font-size:1rem}}
1 .header-background img, .header-background img.size-full Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 .footer .footer-copyright Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.3) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.3) rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
1 .footer .footer-copyright p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .footer .btn-backToTop Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.2) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.2) rgba(255,255,255,0.2)
1 .footer .btn-backToTop Parse Error [empty string]
1 .footer .widget-columns h3 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.7142857143rem
1 .footer .widget-columns p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.footer .widget-columns.widget-count-2>div{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.footer .widget-columns.widget-count-3>div{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.footer .widget-columns.widget-count-4>div{width:100%}}
1 .body-sidebar-left #sidebar-wrapper Property order doesn't exist : 0 0
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.body-sidebar-left #sidebar-wrapper{order:1}}
1 .body-sidebar-left .main-col Property order doesn't exist : 1 1
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.body-sidebar-left .main-col{order:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.sidebar{padding:30px 25px;padding-bottom:5px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.sidebar{margin-top:40px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.sidebar{margin:40px -15px 0}}
1 .sidebar .widget h3 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.4285714286rem
1 .sidebar .widget-list li .terms-wrapper .tooltip-el Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.7142857143rem
1 .sidebar .widget-s1 li:hover .widget-sites-group .img Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.08) scale(1.08)
1 .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box Parse Error [empty string]
1 .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box{margin:0 auto;float:none}}
1 .sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group Value Error : width Parse Error - 38px)
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group{text-align:center}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group{width:100%;padding-left:0}}
1 .sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .img Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .img{margin:0 auto;max-width:160px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .text-down p{float:none;max-width:100%}}
1 .sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .text-down .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .text-down .btn{float:none;margin:0;margin-top:10px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.sidebar .widget-s2 li{text-align:center}}
1 .sidebar .widget-s2 li:hover .text a Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.08) scale(1.08)
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .text{float:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .text a{display:block;margin:0 auto;margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center;max-width:160px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .text a{max-width:200px}}
1 .sidebar .widget-s2 .text a img Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .sidebar .widget-s2 .text p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .text p{max-width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .text p{margin:0 auto;display:block;max-width:200px;font-size:14px;font-size:1rem}}
1 .sidebar .widget-s2 .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .btn{float:none;margin:0 auto;margin-top:10px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.sidebar .widget-s2 .btn{width:68px}}
1 .sidebar .view-all Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .sidebar--sticky Value Error : position sticky is not a position value : sticky sticky
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .item img{width:35px}}
1 .news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .item .text Value Error : width Parse Error - 55px)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .item .text{width:calc(100% - 35px)}}
1 .news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .item .text h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .item .text .read-more Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 .news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 0.5rem
1 .news-list-sidebar .news-sidebar-group .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1.1rem
1 .trigger-mmenu Property transition doesn't exist : all 700ms ease all 700ms ease
1 .trigger-mmenu .icon span Property transition doesn't exist : all 700ms ease all 700ms ease
1 .trigger-mmenu span Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2142857143rem
1 .head-menu .menu > li Value Error : margin Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.head-menu .menu>li{margin:0 0.8rem}}
1 .head-menu .menu > li:after Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .head-menu .menu > li a Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.head-menu .menu>li a{font-size:14px;font-size:1rem}}
1 .head-menu .menu > li ul Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none
1 .head-menu .menu > li ul Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease all 0.3s ease
1 .head-menu .menu > li ul li a Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.0714285714rem
1 .head-menu.head-menu--s1 Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.55) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.55) rgba(0,0,0,0.55)
1 .head-menu.head-menu--s1 .menu > li ul Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.55) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.55) rgba(0,0,0,0.55)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.head-menu.head-menu--s3{text-align:center}}
1 .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children:hover > .sub-menu Property pointer-events doesn't exist : all all
1 .head-menu .menu .sub-menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-90deg) rotate(-90deg)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){#main{margin:40px 0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){#main{margin-bottom:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.body-show-breadcrumbs:not(.home):not(.body-fullscreen-sections) #main{margin-bottom:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.body-show-breadcrumbs:not(.home):not(.body-fullscreen-sections).body-single-affiliates-s2 .banner-wrapper.banner-wrapper--top,.body-show-breadcrumbs:not(.home):not(.body-fullscreen-sections).body-single-affiliates-s3 .banner-wrapper.banner-wrapper--top{margin-bottom:40px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.body-single-affiliates-s1 #main{margin-bottom:40px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.body-single-affiliates-s1 #main{margin-bottom:0px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.section{padding:40px 0 30px}}
1 .banner-wrapper, .footer Property content-visibility doesn't exist : auto auto
1 .body-header-style1.home .section--first .text-area Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.body-header-style1.home .section--first .text-area{margin-left:-15px;margin-right:-15px;padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.body-header-style4.home .banner-wrapper.banner-wrapper--top{margin-bottom:20px}}
1 .text-area .text-list--six li:before Parse Error [empty string]
1 .text-area > table thead Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.05) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.05) rgba(0,0,0,0.05)
1 .text-area > table thead Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1 .text-area hr Value Error : margin-top Unknown dimension 2rem
1 .text-area hr Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 2rem
1 .review-up-area .col-review-logo Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 28% 0 0 28%
1 .review-up-area .col-review-bonus Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 37.333332% 0 0 37.333332%
1 .review-up-area .col-review-overview Property flex doesn't exist : 0 0 34.6% 0 0 34.6%
1 .review-up-area h5 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.review-up-area .review-logo-group{margin:0 auto}}
1 .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.review-up-area .review-bonus{left:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area .review-bonus{padding-top:20px;margin-top:20px;position:relative}}
1 .review-up-area .review-bonus h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .review-up-area .review-bonus p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.review-up-area .review-bonus:before{left:-15px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area .review-bonus:before{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.review-up-area .review-bonus:after{right:-15px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.review-up-area .review-bonus:after{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area .review-bonus:after{content:"";display:block;width:160px;height:1px;background-color:#ddd;position:absolute;top:0px;margin-left:-80px;left:50%;margin-top:auto;right:auto}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.review-up-area .review-overview{text-align:center;padding-top:20px;margin-top:20px;position:relative}.review-up-area .review-overview:after{content:"";display:block;width:160px;height:1px;background-color:#ddd;position:absolute;top:0px;margin-left:-80px;left:50%}}
1 .review-up-area .review-overview .review-info ul Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .review-up-area .review-overview .review-info ul Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.review-up-area .review-overview .review-info ul{margin-bottom:0}}
1 .review-up-area .review-overview .review-info li Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.review-up-area .review-overview .review-info li{float:none;width:100%;padding:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.review-up-area .review-overview .review-info li:nth-child(even){padding-left:0}}
1 .review-up-area--dif .review-up-area__top Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.01) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.01) rgba(0,0,0,0.01)
1 .review-up-area--dif .review-up-area__top Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.04) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.04)
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area--dif .review-bonus:after{content:""}}
1 .review-up-area--dif .review-overview Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.03) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.03) rgba(0,0,0,0.03)
1 .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon Parse Error [empty string]
1 .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .review-info ul li Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.review-up-area--dif .review-overview .review-info ul li{float:left;width:50%;padding-right:30px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area--dif .review-overview .review-info ul li{float:none;width:100%;padding:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.review-up-area--dif .review-overview .review-info ul li:nth-child(even){padding-left:40px;padding-right:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area--dif .review-overview .review-info ul li:nth-child(even){float:none;width:100%;padding:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area--dif .review-overview .review-info ul:after{content:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.review-up-area--dif2 .review-overview:after{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.review-up-area--dif2 .review-overview{padding-top:15px;margin-top:15px}.review-up-area--dif2 .review-overview:after{content:"";display:block;width:160px;height:1px;background-color:#ddd;position:absolute;top:0px;margin-left:-80px;left:50%;margin-top:auto;right:auto}}
1 .review-up-area--dif2 .review-overview .review-info ul li Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9642857143rem
1 .review-up-area--dif2 .review-bonus h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 .main-area-review h2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.1428571429rem
1 .main-area-review p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .review-bottom-group h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2rem
1 .review-bottom-group .btn Parse Error [empty string]
1 .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon Parse Error [empty string]
1 .review-bottom-group--dif h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.4285714286rem
1 .ups-downs h5 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.ups-downs ul{margin:15px 0}}
1 .ups-downs ul li Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 .ups-downs .icon Parse Error [empty string]
1 .slider-carousel-group h5 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-next, .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-prev Parse Error [empty string]
1 .group-category .news-item Value Error : height Parse Error - 30px)
1 .group-category .news-item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .group-category .news-item Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.group-category .news-item{display:block}}
1 .group-category .news-item .new-text-group Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.04) 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.04)
1 .group-category .news-item .new-text-group Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.group-category .news-item .new-text-group{flex-grow:0}}
1 .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .news-info Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .group-category .news-item .new-text-group h2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5714285714rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.group-category .news-item .new-text-group h2{min-height:100%;margin-bottom:10px}}
1 .group-category .news-item .new-text-group p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.group-category .news-item--reviews .thumb-wrapper{min-height:162px;line-height:162px}}
1 .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.02) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.02) rgba(0,0,0,0.02)
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group{padding:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .date-item{margin-top:0}}
1 .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .news-info Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .news-info{position:relative;width:100%;padding:0;top:0;padding:20px 30px;margin-bottom:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .news-info span{display:inline-block;margin:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .news-info span:first-of-type{display:inline-block;font-weight:normal}}
1 .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .btn--shadow Parse Error [empty string]
1 .table-reviews .row Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-reviews .item{text-align:center}}
1 .table-reviews .item .c1 Parse Error [empty string]
1 .table-reviews .item .c1 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .table-reviews .item .c2 Value Error : width Parse Error - 45px)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-reviews .item .c2{margin-bottom:30px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-reviews .item .c3{margin-bottom:30px}}
1 .table-reviews .item .c3 h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.3571428571rem
1 .table-reviews .item .c3 p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-reviews .item .c6 .btn{margin:5px auto}}
1 .taxonomy-list-dif .aff-single-widget Value Error : height Parse Error - 30px)
1 .taxonomy-list-dif .aff-single-widget Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .taxonomy-list-dif .aff-single-widget Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .taxonomy-list-dif .aff-single-widget .item-bonus Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .pagination span, .pagination > a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .pagination > a Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.2) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.2) rgba(255,255,255,0.2)
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn:hover Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.05) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.05) rgba(255,255,255,0.05)
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .casino-guide-bg-img img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .casino-guide-bg-img img Property object-position doesn't exist : center top center top
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box:after Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.5) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.5) rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box:after Value Error : background linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.1),rgba(0,0,0,1) 70%) is not a background value : linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.1),rgba(0,0,0,1) 70%) linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.1),rgba(0,0,0,1) 70%)
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box:after Property transition doesn't exist : all 500ms ease all 500ms ease
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box--first .item h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.4285714286rem
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.4) rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide Parse Error [empty string]
1 .casino-guides .casino-guide-box:hover 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 5px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 5px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-stage Value Error : display -webkit-flex is not a display value : -webkit-flex -webkit-flex
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-stage Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-stage Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-stage Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-item Value Error : display -webkit-flex is not a display value : -webkit-flex -webkit-flex
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-item Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev, .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.4) rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev, .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev, .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev,.slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next{width:35px;height:35px;line-height:35px}.slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i,.slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i{font-size:12px}}
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev:hover, .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next:hover Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.6) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.6) rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
1 .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev:hover, .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next:hover Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev{right:50px}}
1 .slideshow .slide .text Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.4) rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.slideshow .slide .text{max-width:50%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.slideshow .slide .text{max-width:100%;margin:3.5em 2em}}
1 .slideshow .slide .text p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 .slideshow .slide .text-bg:after Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.6) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.6) rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
1 .slideshow .slide > img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 .slideshow .slide > img Property object-position doesn't exist : center top center top
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--left.h-aligned--left Property object-position doesn't exist : left top left top
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--left.h-aligned--right Property object-position doesn't exist : left bottom left bottom
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--left.h-aligned--center Property object-position doesn't exist : left center left center
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--right.h-aligned--left Property object-position doesn't exist : right top right top
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--right.h-aligned--right Property object-position doesn't exist : right bottom right bottom
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--right.h-aligned--center Property object-position doesn't exist : right center right center
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--center.h-aligned--left Property object-position doesn't exist : center top center top
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--center.h-aligned--right Property object-position doesn't exist : center bottom center bottom
1 .slideshow .slide > img.v-aligned--center.h-aligned--center Property object-position doesn't exist : center center center center
1 .slideshow .slide .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 .slideshow .cycle-prev, .slideshow .cycle-next Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.4) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.4) rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
1 .slideshow .cycle-prev, .slideshow .cycle-next Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .slideshow .cycle-prev, .slideshow .cycle-next Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.slideshow .cycle-prev,.slideshow .cycle-next{width:35px;height:35px;line-height:35px}.slideshow .cycle-prev i,.slideshow .cycle-next i{font-size:12px}}
1 .slideshow .cycle-prev:hover, .slideshow .cycle-next:hover Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.6) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.6) rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
1 .slideshow .cycle-prev:hover, .slideshow .cycle-next:hover Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.slideshow .cycle-prev{right:50px}.slideshow .cycle-prev i{position:relative;left:2px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.slideshow .cycle-next i{position:relative;right:2px}}
1 .aff-widget-spins Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.025) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.025) rgba(0,0,0,0.025)
1 .aff-widget-spins 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 6px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.09) 0 6px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.09)
1 .aff-widget-spins Parse Error [empty string]
1 .aff-widget-spins p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 .aff-widget-spins p Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget-big{margin-bottom:20px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.aff-single-widget-big .rating .star .icon-poka{font-size:15px}}
1 .aff-single-widget-big .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget-big .btn.btn--blue{margin-bottom:10px}}
1 .aff-single-widget-big h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5714285714rem
1 .aff-single-widget-big p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget{margin-bottom:20px}}
1 .aff-single-widget .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget .btn.btn--blue{margin-bottom:10px}}
1 .aff-single-widget h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.7142857143rem
1 .aff-single-widget .item-bonus Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .aff-single-widget .ratings-wrapper Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.03) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.03) rgba(0,0,0,0.03)
1 .aff-single-widget-xl Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.025) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.025) rgba(0,0,0,0.025)
1 .aff-single-widget-xl Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget-xl{text-align:center}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget-xl .widget-text{padding-left:0;margin-top:20px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.aff-single-widget-xl .widget-text .icon-poka{display:none}}
1 .aff-single-widget-xl h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.8571428571rem
1 .aff-single-widget-xl p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev, .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next Value Error : background rgba(255,255,255,0.8) is not a background value : rgba(255,255,255,0.8) rgba(255,255,255,0.8)
1 .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev, .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next Parse Error [empty string]
1 .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev, .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1300px){.carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev,.carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next{left:0px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev,.carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next{width:32px;height:32px;line-height:32px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1300px){.carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next{right:0px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:1300px){.carousel{padding:0 70px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.carousel{padding:0 45px}}
1 .news-list .item Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .news-list .item Value Error : height Parse Error - 30px)
1 .news-list .item:hover 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.15) 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.15)
1 .news-list .item .text h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 .news-list .item .text p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 .news-list .item .text p break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
1 .news-list .item .text p Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
1 .news-list .item .btn Parse Error [empty string]
1 .news-list .item .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .news-list.relevant-news-wrapper .owl-stage Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .news-list.relevant-news-wrapper .owl-item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .news-list.relevant-news-wrapper .owl-item Property flex doesn't exist : 1 0 auto 1 0 auto
1 .carousel .owl-stage Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .carousel .owl-item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .carousel .owl-item Property flex doesn't exist : 1 0 auto 1 0 auto
1 .carousel .owl-item .aff-single-widget Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .carousel .owl-item .aff-single-widget Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .carousel .owl-item .aff-single-widget .item-bonus Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .box-text Value Error : background rgba(24,24,24,0.05) is not a background value : rgba(24,24,24,0.05) rgba(24,24,24,0.05)
1 .box-text Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(24,24,24,0.1) 1px solid rgba(24,24,24,0.1)
1 .box-text.box-text--icon:after Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.1428571429rem
1 .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1 .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input Parse Error [empty string]
1 .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input:focus Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
1 .search-form-ajax button Parse Error [empty string]
1 .search-form-ajax button Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete Parse Error [empty string]
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 0 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .img{width:100%;top:auto;left:auto;position:relative;text-align:center}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text{padding-left:0;text-align:center}}
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text .title Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.7142857143rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text .title{font-size:20px;font-size:1.4285714286rem}}
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.4285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text p{font-size:16px;font-size:1.1428571429rem}}
1 .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el:hover Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.02) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.02) rgba(0,0,0,0.02)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){#main .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .img{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){#main .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text{padding-left:0}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){#main #sidebar .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text .col-6{max-width:100%;flex:0 0 100%}#main #sidebar .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text .col-6 .btn--green{margin-bottom:10px}}
1 #main #sidebar .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .table-s1 .item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item{display:block}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item>div{height:auto;float:left}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c1{width:100%;position:relative}}
1 .table-s1 .item .c2 a Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 .table-s1 .item .c2 a.logo-boxed 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.15) 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.15)
1 .table-s1 .item .c2 a.logo-boxed Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c2 a.logo-boxed{padding-bottom:20%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s1 .item .c2 a.logo-boxed{padding-bottom:30%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-s1 .item .c2 a.logo-boxed{padding-bottom:40%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c2{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-s1 .item .c2{padding:0 50px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c3{width:100%;padding:12px 0 20px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c4 .icon-poka{display:none}}
1 .table-s1 .item .c4 h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.4285714286rem
1 .table-s1 .item .c4 p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c4 p{max-width:400px;margin:0 auto}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c4{width:100%;padding-left:0;text-align:center;padding-bottom:20px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-s1 .item .c4{padding:0 20px 20px}}
1 .table-s1 .item .c5 .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .c5{width:100%}}
1 .table-s1 .item .count Parse Error [empty string]
1 .table-s1 .item .count Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1 .item .count{position:absolute;top:0;left:10px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-s1 .item .count{width:36px;line-height:36px;font-size:12px;font-size:0.8571428571rem;left:5px}}
1 .table-s1 .item:hover .c2 a Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.15) scale(1.15)
1 .table-s1 .item:hover .c2 a.logo-boxed Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.05) scale(1.05)
1 .table-s1.table-big Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-big .item .c2{width:100%;padding:0 65px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-s1.table-big .item .c2{padding:0 50px}}
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c2 a Value Error : background rgba(45,115,155,0.1) is not a background value : rgba(45,115,155,0.1) rgba(45,115,155,0.1)
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c2 a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c2 a Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 3px solid rgba(45,115,155,0.11) 3px solid rgba(45,115,155,0.11)
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-big .item .c3{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-big .item .c4{width:100%}}
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c4 h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.table-s1.table-big .item .c4 .icon-poka{font-size:40px;margin-top:-20px;left:10px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-big .item .c5{padding:0 20px}}
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c5 .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1.6rem
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c5 .btn Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .table-s1.table-big .item .c5 .btn Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-s1--ncount .item .c2{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-s1--ncount .item .c3{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s1.table-s1--ncount.table-big .item .c2{padding:0 65px;width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-s1.table-s1--ncount.table-big .item .c2{padding:0 50px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-logo{width:25%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-logo{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:22%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-features{width:30%;display:block}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-features{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-btn{width:23%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-btn{width:100%}}
1 .table-s2 .item Property transition doesn't exist : background-color 400ms ease background-color 400ms ease
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row Value Error : display -ms-flexbox is not a display value : -ms-flexbox -ms-flexbox
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo{width:25%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo{width:100%;position:relative;margin-bottom:15px}}
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .rank-num Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .rank-num{left:7px;font-size:16px;font-size:1.1428571429rem}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .rank-num{margin-top:0;left:5px;top:0;background:#fff;z-index:2;width:20px;line-height:20px;text-align:center;font-size:14px;font-size:1rem}}
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .logo-box 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .logo-box Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .logo-box{margin-left:25px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo .logo-box{margin-left:0;padding-bottom:30%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating{width:19%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating{width:50%}}
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .item-ratings-num Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:26%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:50%}}
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus h5 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus h5 strong Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.2857142857rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features{width:100%;display:block}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul{padding:20px 0}}
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9285714286rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li{text-align:center;line-height:1.1;font-size:12px;font-size:0.8571428571rem;margin-bottom:3px}}
1 .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-btn{width:30%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.table-s2 .item .item-row .col-btn{width:100%}}
1 .table-header Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-header .sorting-title{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-header .sorting-items,.table-header .sorting-order{display:block}}
1 .table-header .sorting-items li a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .table-header .sorting-items li a Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.table-header .sorting-order{margin-top:8px}}
1 .main-col .table-s1 .item .count Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:1199px){.main-col .table-s1 .item .c3 .rating .star{width:18px;height:18px;line-height:16px}.main-col .table-s1 .item .c3 .rating .star .icon-poka{font-size:10px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s1 .item .c3 .rating .star{width:28px;height:28px;line-height:28px}.main-col .table-s1 .item .c3 .rating .star .icon-poka{width:16px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s1.table-s1--ncount .item .c2{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s1.table-s1--ncount .item .c3{width:100%}}
1 .main-col .table-s1.table-s1--ncount .item .terms-wrapper .tooltip-el Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.5714285714rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-logo{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2.table-s2--hide-rating .item .item-row .col-btn{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo{width:30%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-logo{width:100%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating{width:50%;display:block}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:30%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus{width:50%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features{width:100%;display:block}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-btn{width:40%}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:767px){.main-col .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-btn{width:100%}}
1 .single-post-wrapper .post-info Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.single-post-wrapper .post-info .post-info__left{float:none;text-align:center}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.single-post-wrapper .post-info .post-info__right{float:none;text-align:center;padding-top:7px;margin-top:7px;border-top:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)}}
1 .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 #comments-section .login-register input[type="text"], #comments-section .login-register input[type="password"], #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){#comments-section .login-register #loginform{margin-bottom:30px}}
1 #comments-section .login-register .errors li Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 #comments-section .comment-list li .avatar Parse Error [empty string]
1 #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-meta Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
1 #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
1 #comments-section .comment-list li ol.children:after Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.2857142857rem
1 #comments-section .comment-list li ol.children:after Property transform doesn't exist : rotateX(180deg) rotateX(180deg)
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after Value Error : background -moz-linear-gradient(left,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%) is not a background value : -moz-linear-gradient(left,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%) -moz-linear-gradient(left,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after Value Error : background -webkit-linear-gradient(left,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%) is not a background value : -webkit-linear-gradient(left,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%) -webkit-linear-gradient(left,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after Value Error : background linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%) is not a background value : linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%) linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.79) 61%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after Property progid doesn't exist : DXImageTransform DXImageTransform
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after Parse Error DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00ffffff', endColorstr='#ffffff',GradientType=1)}
1 .relevant-news-wrapper:after Parse Error (max-width:575px){.relevant-news-wrapper:after{display:none}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.banner-wrapper.banner-wrapper--bottom{margin-bottom:40px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:575px){.banner-wrapper.banner-wrapper--bottom{margin-top:40px}}
1 Parse Error (max-width:991px){.banner-wrapper.banner-wrapper--top{margin-top:40px;margin-bottom:40px}}
1 .terms-wrapper .tooltip-el Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.8571428571rem
1 .faq-wrapper .faq-item .faq-title Value Error : background rgba(0,0,0,0.05) is not a background value : rgba(0,0,0,0.05) rgba(0,0,0,0.05)
1 .faq-wrapper .faq-item .faq-title .faq-title_inner Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1428571429rem
1 .faq-wrapper .faq-item .faq-content Property transition doesn't exist : all 400ms ease all 400ms ease
1 Parse Error (-ms-high-contrast:none){.carousel .owl-item .aff-single-widget{align-items:center}.table-s1 .item .c3 .rating{display:block;height:auto;width:100%}.table-s1 .c2 a img{width:100%;max-width:175px}.table-s1 .item:hover .c2 a{-webkit-transform:none;-ms-transform:none;transform:none}.aff-single-widget .item-btns{width:100%}.carousel.owl-carousel .owl-item img{width:200px}.taxonomy-list-dif .aff-single-widget{align-items:center}.casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka{height:15px;top:4px}.btn--read-more .icon-poka{height:15px}.group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more .icon-poka{height:15px}.review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon,.review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon{position:relative;top:4px}input::-ms-clear{display:none;width:0;height:0}input::-ms-reveal{display:none;width:0;height:0}.table-s1 .item .c5 .table-cell,.table-s1 .item .c2 .table-cell{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;width:100%}.table-s1 .item .c5 .table-cell>div,.table-s1 .item .c2 .table-cell>div{width:100%}.home .fullscreen-bg{background-attachment:inherit;background-size:contain}}
1 Parse Error (-ms-high-contrast:none) and (max-width:1199px){.table-s1 .item .c2 a img{max-width:150px}}
1 Parse Error (-ms-high-contrast:none) and (max-width:767px){.table-s1 .item .c2 a img{width:250px;max-width:100%}}

↑ Top

Warnings (2374)

URI : https://www.majortotosite.top/wp-content/themes/pokatheme/css/styles.min.css?ver=1676911213

1 Property -ms-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-background is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-background is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-animation is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex-wrap is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex-wrap is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-animation is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-align is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex-align is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex-wrap is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-backface-visibility is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-border-radius is an unknown vendor extension
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and .btn--black-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and .btn--black-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .table-reviews .item .c3 h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and .btn--black-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .table-reviews .item .c3 h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text .btn .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red and .btn--red-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow .cycle-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .trigger-mmenu:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .ups-downs .icon
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .aff-single-widget-big h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .aff-single-widget-big h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .aff-single-widget-big h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .ratings-wrapper .rating-msg.success
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow .slide .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red and .ratings-wrapper .rating-msg.error
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red-border:hover and .ratings-wrapper .rating-msg.error
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 .head-inline .top-bar-socials a Same color for background-color and color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .table-header .sorting-order li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red and .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .aff-single-widget h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .aff-single-widget h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .btn--blue-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-rating .btn-read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .sidebar .widget-s2 .text p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .btn--green:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red and .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red-border:hover and .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .btn--read-more i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .btn--green-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .text-down p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .footer .widget-columns a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination span .icon-poka
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red-border:hover and .btn--red-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .pagination
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text h4
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .head-menu .menu > li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .ratings-wrapper .rating-msg.success
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-features ul li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .review-up-area .review-bonus h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .review-up-area .review-bonus h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .review-up-area .review-bonus h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .review-bottom-group h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .review-bottom-group h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .review-bottom-group h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red-border:hover and .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .btn--blue:hover
1 .head-inline .top-bar-socials a Same color for background-color and color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .btn--blue:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .sidebar .widget-s2 .text p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .footer .widget-columns .menu li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .btn--green-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .text-down p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .ratings-wrapper .rating .star i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .footer .btn-backToTop
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .slider-carousel-group .carousel-screenshot .owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete .custom-li-el .text p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .head-menu .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a:after
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .ups-downs .icon i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red and #comments-section .login-register .errors li
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .btn--green-border
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--red-border:hover and #comments-section .login-register .errors li
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .table-reviews .item .c3 h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ratings-wrapper .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-items li.active a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .text-area .text-list--six li:before and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .footer .widget-columns .social-list li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .comment-form #submit and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .text-area .text-list li:before
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue-border:hover and .table-header .sorting-items li:hover a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .table-header .sorting-items li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .table-s1 .item .c4 h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .table-s1 .item .c4 h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .table-s1 .item .c4 h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .sidebar .widget-s1 .widget-sites-group .text-down p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="submit"] and .social-list li a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c6 .btn--blue and #comments-section .comment-list li .reply .comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .ratings-wrapper .rating-msg.success
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .aff-single-widget h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .ui-autocomplete and .pagination > a .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .aff-single-widget-xl h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green-border:hover and .aff-single-widget-xl h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--green and .aff-single-widget-xl h4 strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .sidebar .widget-s2 .text p strong
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .footer and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--black-border:hover and .carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .head-main .text-intro
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .sidebar .widget-s1 .number-box and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item .new-text-group and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .btn:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide--article i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif2 and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .footer .btn-backToTop i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-header .sorting-items li a and .table-header .sorting-order li.active a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .rating .star and #comments-section .comment-list li .comment-respond h2 #cancel-comment-reply-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .label-guide
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .single-post-wrapper .post-share ul li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .news-list .item and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .btn--black:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .trigger-mmenu
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .footer .footer-copyright p
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .slideshow .cycle-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .slideshow .cycle-prev
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .casino-guides .casino-guide-box .text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-reviews .item .c1 and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .rating i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .footer .widget-columns
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow .cycle-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register .success and .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .btn--red:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .table-header .sorting-order li a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .pagination
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-list li a and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .trigger-mmenu:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .slideshow-wrapper .owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .group-category .news-item--dif .new-text-group .new-text-group__text and .pagination span .icon-poka
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn--blue and .table-header .sorting-order li:hover a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .trigger-mmenu .icon span and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .tippy-tooltip .tippy-content
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group .btn .poka-icon and .table-header .sorting-items li a i
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .head-main .text-intro

URI : https://www.majortotosite.top/wp-content/themes/pokatheme/css/styles-vendor.min.css?ver=3.4.9

1 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-text-decoration-skip is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-animation-name is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-animation-name is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-appearance is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 this value is deprecated
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-appearance is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
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1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
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1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
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1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-appearance is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-appearance is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -o-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-user-select is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -moz-user-select is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-user-select is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-animation-fill-mode is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex-positive is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -o-transition is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-text-size-adjust is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-text-size-adjust is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex-wrap is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-animation-duration is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex-wrap is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex-basis is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex-preferred-size is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -ms-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-flex-grow is an unknown vendor extension
1 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
1 .btn-danger Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-success Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-success.disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .show > .btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle and .btn-link
1 .btn-danger:disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-warning Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-primary.active and a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-primary:disabled and .btn-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-primary and a
1 .btn-outline-warning.active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-danger:hover Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-primary.disabled and .btn-link
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .show > .btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle and a
1 .show > .btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-primary Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-warning.disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-primary.disabled and a
1 .btn-danger.disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-primary:active and .btn-link
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-primary and .btn-link
1 .btn-primary.disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-info.disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-secondary:active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .show > .btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-warning:disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-info:disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-secondary:hover Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-primary:active and a
1 .btn-outline-info.active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-primary:hover and a
1 .btn-outline-warning:active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-success:disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-info Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-primary.active and .btn-link
1 .show > .btn-outline-success.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-primary:hover and .btn-link
1 .btn-outline-primary:active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-primary:disabled Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-info:active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-secondary.active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-success:active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-danger:active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-primary.active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-success.active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .show > .btn-outline-danger.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-primary:disabled and a
1 .show > .btn-outline-warning.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-danger.active Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-warning:hover Same color for background-color and border-top-color
1 .btn-outline-primary:hover Same color for background-color and border-top-color
10 Property -ms-flex-pack is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-clip-path is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-box-shadow is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -ms-touch-action is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-flex-align is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-user-select is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-user-select is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-box-flex is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-flex-positive is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -ms-flex-preferred-size is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-box-sizing is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transition is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -o-transition is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Property -ms-flex-negative is an unknown vendor extension
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10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close
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10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slider-carousel-group and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area--dif .review-overview .btn .poka-icon and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
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10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .mfp-close
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10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-socials a and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn:after and .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table-s2 .item and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-menu .menu > li:after and .mfp-preloader a:hover
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10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .show > .btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle and .mfp-preloader
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table th and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-secondary:hover and .mfp-preloader
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-secondary:active and .mfp-preloader
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-secondary.active and .mfp-preloader
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .table td and .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-secondary:hover and .mfp-counter
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-secondary:active and .mfp-counter
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .show > .btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle and .mfp-preloader a
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-outline-secondary.active and .mfp-counter
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary:disabled and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .head-inline .top-bar-search and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-bottom-group and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn .poka-icon and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn-secondary.disabled and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .search-form-ajax .search-form-ajax-input and .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .img-thumbnail and .mfp-preloader a:hover
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10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .mfp-preloader a:hover
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .ups-downs and .mfp-close
10 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #comments-section .login-register input[type="email"] and .mfp-preloader a:hover

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