W3C CSS Validator results for http://sportstotosite.pro (CSS level 3)

Sorry! We found the following errors (986)

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.4.5

1 .wp-block-button__link break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-button__link)]
1 .wp-block-buttons > .wp-block-button.wp-block-button__width-25 Value Error : width Parse Error - var(--wp--style--block-gap, .5em)*.75)
1 .wp-block-buttons > .wp-block-button.wp-block-button__width-50 Value Error : width Parse Error - var(--wp--style--block-gap, .5em)*.5)
1 .wp-block-buttons > .wp-block-button.wp-block-button__width-75 Value Error : width Parse Error - var(--wp--style--block-gap, .5em)*.25)
1 .wp-block-buttons > .wp-block-button.wp-block-button__width-100 Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 100% 100%
1 .wp-block-button.is-style-squared, .wp-block-button__link.wp-block-button.is-style-squared Parse Error [empty string]
1 .wp-block-button.no-border-radius, .wp-block-button__link.no-border-radius Parse Error [empty string]
1 Parse Error [where(.has-border-color)]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-top-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-right-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-bottom-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-left-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-style])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-top-style])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-right-style])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-bottom-style])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-left-style])]
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-vertical Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-left Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-left.is-vertical Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-center Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-center.is-vertical Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-right Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-right.is-vertical Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-buttons.is-content-justification-space-between Property justify-content doesn't exist : space-between space-between
1 .is-content-justification-right, .is-content-justification-left, .is-content-justification-center Parse Error [.is-content-justification-space-between]
1 .is-content-justification-right, .is-content-justification-left, .is-content-justification-center Parse Error .is-content-justification-center) .wp-block-button.aligncenter{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:100%}
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color)) td]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color)) th]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-calendar table:not(.has-background) th)]
1 .wp-block-code code Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
1 .wp-block-columns Property align-items doesn't exist : normal normal
1 .wp-block-columns Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-block-columns Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 Parse Error (min-width:782px){.wp-block-columns{flex-wrap:nowrap!important}}
1 .wp-block-columns.are-vertically-aligned-top Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-columns.are-vertically-aligned-center Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-columns.are-vertically-aligned-bottom Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 Parse Error (max-width:781px){.wp-block-columns:not(.is-not-stacked-on-mobile)>.wp-block-column{flex-basis:100%!important}}
1 Parse Error (min-width:782px){.wp-block-columns:not(.is-not-stacked-on-mobile)>.wp-block-column{flex-basis:0;flex-grow:1}.wp-block-columns:not(.is-not-stacked-on-mobile)>.wp-block-column[style*=flex-basis]{flex-grow:0}}
1 .wp-block-columns.is-not-stacked-on-mobile Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : nowrap nowrap
1 .wp-block-columns.is-not-stacked-on-mobile > .wp-block-column Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 0 0
1 .wp-block-columns.is-not-stacked-on-mobile > .wp-block-column Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .wp-block-columns.is-not-stacked-on-mobile > .wp-block-column[style*="flex-basis"] Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 0 0
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns)]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.has-background)]
1 .wp-block-column Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .wp-block-column Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
1 .wp-block-column break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
1 .wp-block-column.is-vertically-aligned-top Property align-self doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-column.is-vertically-aligned-center Property align-self doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-column.is-vertically-aligned-bottom Property align-self doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-column.is-vertically-aligned-stretch Property align-self doesn't exist : stretch stretch
1 .wp-block-post-comments .comment-author .avatar Parse Error [empty string]
1 .wp-block-post-comments .comment-form-cookies-consent Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-block-post-comments .comment-form-cookies-consent Property gap doesn't exist : 0.25em 0.25em
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :where
1 .wp-block-post-comments .comment-reply-title Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--medium,smaller)
1 .wp-block-post-comments input:not([type="submit"]):not([type="checkbox"]), .wp-block-post-comments textarea Value Error : padding Parse Error + 2px)
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-comments input[type=submit])]
1 .wp-block-comments-pagination .wp-block-comments-pagination-previous-arrow Value Error : margin-right Unknown dimension 1ch
1 .wp-block-comments-pagination .wp-block-comments-pagination-previous-arrow:not(.is-arrow-chevron) Property transform doesn't exist : scaleX(1) scaleX(1)
1 .wp-block-comments-pagination .wp-block-comments-pagination-next-arrow Value Error : margin-left Unknown dimension 1ch
1 .wp-block-comments-pagination .wp-block-comments-pagination-next-arrow:not(.is-arrow-chevron) Property transform doesn't exist : scaleX(1) scaleX(1)
1 .wp-block-comments-pagination.aligncenter Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-comment-template ol Value Error : padding-left Unknown dimension 2rem
1 .wp-block-comment-template.aligncenter Value Error : width -moz-fit-content is not a width value : -moz-fit-content -moz-fit-content
1 .wp-block-comment-template.aligncenter Value Error : width fit-content is not a width value : fit-content fit-content
1 .wp-block-cover, .wp-block-cover-image Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover, .wp-block-cover-image Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-block-cover, .wp-block-cover-image Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover, .wp-block-cover-image Value Error : overflow clip is not a overflow value : clip clip
1 Sorry, the at-rule @supports is not implemented.
1 .wp-block-cover-image.aligncenter, .wp-block-cover-image.alignleft, .wp-block-cover-image.alignright, .wp-block-cover.aligncenter, .wp-block-cover.alignleft, .wp-block-cover.alignright Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(:not(.has-text-color))]
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-top-left, .wp-block-cover.is-position-top-left Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-top-left, .wp-block-cover.is-position-top-left Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-top-center, .wp-block-cover.is-position-top-center Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-top-center, .wp-block-cover.is-position-top-center Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-top-right, .wp-block-cover.is-position-top-right Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-top-right, .wp-block-cover.is-position-top-right Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-center-left, .wp-block-cover.is-position-center-left Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-center-left, .wp-block-cover.is-position-center-left Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-center-center, .wp-block-cover.is-position-center-center Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-center-center, .wp-block-cover.is-position-center-center Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-center-right, .wp-block-cover.is-position-center-right Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-center-right, .wp-block-cover.is-position-center-right Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-bottom-left, .wp-block-cover.is-position-bottom-left Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-bottom-left, .wp-block-cover.is-position-bottom-left Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-bottom-center, .wp-block-cover.is-position-bottom-center Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-bottom-center, .wp-block-cover.is-position-bottom-center Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-bottom-right, .wp-block-cover.is-position-bottom-right Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-cover-image.is-position-bottom-right, .wp-block-cover.is-position-bottom-right Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .wp-block-cover .wp-block-cover__image-background, .wp-block-cover video.wp-block-cover__video-background, .wp-block-cover-image .wp-block-cover__image-background, .wp-block-cover-image video.wp-block-cover__video-background Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 Sorry, the at-rule @supports is not implemented.
1 Parse Error (prefers-reduced-motion:reduce){.wp-block-cover-image.has-parallax,.wp-block-cover.has-parallax,.wp-block-cover__image-background.has-parallax,video.wp-block-cover__video-background.has-parallax{background-attachment:scroll}}
1 .wp-block-cover-image .wp-block-cover.has-left-content Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .wp-block-cover-image .wp-block-cover.has-right-content Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-cover-image:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-cover:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-cover-image.is-light:not(.has-text-color))]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-cover.is-light:not(.has-text-color))]
1 .wp-block-embed Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-file)]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-file__button)]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-file__button):is(a):active]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-file__button):is(a):focus]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-file__button):is(a):hover]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-file__button):is(a):visited]
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images), .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images), .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item Value Error : width Parse Error - 1em)
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figure, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figure Property align-items doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figure, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figure Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figure, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figure Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption Value Error : background linear-gradient(0,rgba(0,0,0,0.7),rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,transparent) is not a background value : linear-gradient(0,rgba(0,0,0,0.7),rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,transparent) linear-gradient(0,rgba(0,0,0,0.7),rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,transparent)
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) figcaption, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) figcaption Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image a, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image img, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item a, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item img, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image a, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image img, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item a, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item img Property flex doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image a, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image img, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item a, .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item img, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image a, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-image img, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item a, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).is-cropped .blocks-gallery-item img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 Parse Error (min-width:600px){.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-image,.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-item,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-image,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-item{margin-right:1em;width:calc(33.33333% - .66667em)}.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-image,.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-item,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-image,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-item{margin-right:1em;width:calc(25% - .75em)}.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-image,.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-item,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-image,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-item{margin-right:1em;width:calc(20% - .8em)}.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-image,.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-item,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-image,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-item{margin-right:1em;width:calc(16.66667% - .83333em)}.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-image,.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-item,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-image,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-item{margin-right:1em;width:calc(14.28571% - .85714em)}.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-image,.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-item,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-image,.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-item{margin-right:1em;width:calc(12.5% - .875em)}.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-1 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(1n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-1 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(1n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-2 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(2n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-2 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(2n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(3n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(3n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(4n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(4n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(5n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(5n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(6n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(6n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(7n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(7n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(8n),.blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(8n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-1 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(1n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-1 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(1n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-2 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(2n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-2 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(2n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(3n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-3 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(3n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(4n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-4 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(4n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(5n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-5 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(5n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(6n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-6 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(6n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(7n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-7 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(7n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-image:nth-of-type(8n),.wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).columns-8 .blocks-gallery-item:nth-of-type(8n){margin-right:0}}
1 .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images).aligncenter .blocks-gallery-item figure, .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images).aligncenter .blocks-gallery-item figure Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-gallery:not(.is-cropped) .blocks-gallery-item Property align-self doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
1 figure.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images Property align-items doesn't exist : normal normal
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) Value Error : width Parse Error - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)/2)
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image > a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image > div Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image > a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image > div Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption Value Error : background linear-gradient(0,rgba(0,0,0,0.7),rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,transparent) is not a background value : linear-gradient(0,rgba(0,0,0,0.7),rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,transparent) linear-gradient(0,rgba(0,0,0,0.7),rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,transparent)
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image.has-custom-border > a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image.has-custom-border > div, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image.is-style-rounded > a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image.is-style-rounded > div Property flex doesn't exist : 1 1 auto 1 1 auto
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image.has-custom-border figcaption, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image.is-style-rounded figcaption Property flex doesn't exist : initial initial
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figcaption Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 100% 100%
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figcaption Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) Property align-self doesn't exist : inherit inherit
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) > a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) > div:not(.components-drop-zone) Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) img Property flex doesn't exist : 1 0 0% 1 0 0%
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) a, .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.is-cropped figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image) img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1 Parse Error (min-width:600px){.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-3 figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(33.33333% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.66667)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-4 figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(25% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.75)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-5 figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(20% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.8)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-6 figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(16.66667% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.83333)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-7 figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(14.28571% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.85714)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-8 figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(12.5% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.875)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-default figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(33.33% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.66667)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-default figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image):first-child:nth-last-child(2),.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-default figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image):first-child:nth-last-child(2)~figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image){width:calc(50% - var(--wp--style--unstable-gallery-gap, 16px)*.5)}.wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.columns-default figure.wp-block-image:not(#individual-image):first-child:last-child{width:100%}}
1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images.aligncenter Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-lr])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-rl])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-lr])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-rl])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-lr])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-rl])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-lr])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-rl])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-lr])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-rl])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-lr])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=vertical-rl])]
1 .wp-block-image[style*="border-radius"] img, .wp-block-image[style*="border-radius"] > a Parse Error [empty string]
1 .wp-block-image .is-style-rounded img, .wp-block-image.is-style-circle-mask img, .wp-block-image.is-style-rounded img Parse Error [empty string]
1 Sorry, the at-rule @supports is not implemented.
1 Parse Error [where(.has-border-color)]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-top-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-right-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-bottom-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-left-color])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-width])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-top-width])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-right-width])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-bottom-width])]
1 Parse Error [where([style*=border-left-width])]
1 .wp-lightbox-container Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-lightbox-container Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
1 .wp-lightbox-container img Value Error : cursor zoom-in is not a cursor value : zoom-in zoom-in
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Property backdrop-filter doesn't exist : blur(16px) saturate(180%) blur(16px) saturate(180%)
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Parse Error [empty string]
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Value Error : cursor zoom-in is not a cursor value : zoom-in zoom-in
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Property transition doesn't exist : opacity 0.2s ease opacity 0.2s ease
1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :focus-visible
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Too many values or values are not recognized : 3px auto rgba(90,90,90,0.25) 3px auto rgba(90,90,90,0.25)
1 .wp-lightbox-container button Too many values or values are not recognized : 3px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color 3px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay Value Error : cursor zoom-out is not a cursor value : zoom-out zoom-out
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay Value Error : height Unknown dimension 100vh
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay Value Error : width Unknown dimension 100vw
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button Value Error : right Parse Error + 16px)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button Value Error : top Parse Error + 16px)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .lightbox-image-container Value Error : height Parse Error --wp--lightbox-container-height)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .lightbox-image-container Property transform doesn't exist : translate(-50%,-50%) translate(-50%,-50%)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .lightbox-image-container Property transform-origin doesn't exist : top left top left
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .lightbox-image-container Value Error : width Parse Error --wp--lightbox-container-width)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .lightbox-image-container Value Error : z-index This number should be an integer. : 1.0E10 1.0E10
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image Property transform-origin doesn't exist : 0 0 0 0
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image img Value Error : height Parse Error --wp--lightbox-image-height)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image img Value Error : min-height Parse Error --wp--lightbox-image-height)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image img Value Error : min-width Parse Error --wp--lightbox-image-width)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .wp-block-image img Value Error : width Parse Error --wp--lightbox-image-width)
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay.active Property animation doesn't exist : turn-on-visibility 0.25s both turn-on-visibility 0.25s both
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay.active img Property animation doesn't exist : turn-on-visibility 0.35s both turn-on-visibility 0.35s both
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay.hideanimationenabled:not(.active) Property animation doesn't exist : turn-off-visibility 0.35s both turn-off-visibility 0.35s both
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay.hideanimationenabled:not(.active) img Property animation doesn't exist : turn-off-visibility 0.25s both turn-off-visibility 0.25s both
1 Parse Error (prefers-reduced-motion:no-preference){.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.active{animation:none;opacity:1;visibility:visible}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.active .lightbox-image-container{animation:lightbox-zoom-in .4s}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.active .lightbox-image-container img{animation:none}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.active .scrim{animation:turn-on-visibility .4s forwards}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.hideanimationenabled:not(.active){animation:none}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.hideanimationenabled:not(.active) .lightbox-image-container{animation:lightbox-zoom-out .4s}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.hideanimationenabled:not(.active) .lightbox-image-container img{animation:none}.wp-lightbox-overlay.zoom.hideanimationenabled:not(.active) .scrim{animation:turn-off-visibility .4s forwards}}
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-latest-comments:not([style*=line-height] .wp-block-latest-comments__comment))]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-latest-comments:not([style*=line-height] .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-excerpt p))]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-latest-comments:not([style*=line-height]))]
1 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-latest-comments:not([style*=line-height]))]
1 .wp-block-latest-comments .avatar, .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-avatar Parse Error [empty string]
1 .wp-block-latest-posts.is-grid Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1 .wp-block-latest-posts.is-grid Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
1 Parse Error (min-width:600px){.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-2 li{width:calc(50% - .625em)}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-2 li:nth-child(2n){margin-right:0}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-3 li{width:calc(33.33333% - .83333em)}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-3 li:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-4 li{width:calc(25% - .9375em)}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-4 li:nth-child(4n){margin-right:0}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-5 li{width:calc(20% - 1em)}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-5 li:nth-child(5n){margin-right:0}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-6 li{width:calc(16.66667% - 1.04167em)}.wp-block-latest-posts.columns-6 li:nth-child(6n){margin-right:0}}
3 .wp-block-media-text Value Error : display grid is not a display value : grid grid
3 .wp-block-media-text Unknown dimension 1fr
3 .wp-block-media-text Property grid-template-columns doesn't exist : 50% 50%
3 .wp-block-media-text Property grid-template-rows doesn't exist : auto auto
3 .wp-block-media-text.has-media-on-the-right Unknown dimension 1fr
3 .wp-block-media-text.has-media-on-the-right Property grid-template-columns doesn't exist : 50% 50%
3 .wp-block-media-text.is-vertically-aligned-top .wp-block-media-text__content, .wp-block-media-text.is-vertically-aligned-top .wp-block-media-text__media Property align-self doesn't exist : start start
3 .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__content, .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__media, .wp-block-media-text.is-vertically-aligned-center .wp-block-media-text__content, .wp-block-media-text.is-vertically-aligned-center .wp-block-media-text__media Property align-self doesn't exist : center center
3 .wp-block-media-text.is-vertically-aligned-bottom .wp-block-media-text__content, .wp-block-media-text.is-vertically-aligned-bottom .wp-block-media-text__media Property align-self doesn't exist : end end
4 .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__media Property grid-column doesn't exist : 1 1
4 .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__media Property grid-row doesn't exist : 1 1
6 .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__content Property grid-column doesn't exist : 2 2
6 .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__content Property grid-row doesn't exist : 1 1
7 .wp-block-media-text .wp-block-media-text__content break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
8 .wp-block-media-text.has-media-on-the-right .wp-block-media-text__media Property grid-column doesn't exist : 2 2
8 .wp-block-media-text.has-media-on-the-right .wp-block-media-text__media Property grid-row doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .wp-block-media-text.has-media-on-the-right .wp-block-media-text__content Property grid-column doesn't exist : 1 1
10 .wp-block-media-text.has-media-on-the-right .wp-block-media-text__content Property grid-row doesn't exist : 1 1
11 .wp-block-media-text__media img, .wp-block-media-text__media video Value Error : max-width unset is not a max-width value : unset unset
11 Parse Error (max-width:600px){.wp-block-media-text.is-stacked-on-mobile{grid-template-columns:100%!important}.wp-block-media-text.is-stacked-on-mobile .wp-block-media-text__media{grid-column:1;grid-row:1}.wp-block-media-text.is-stacked-on-mobile .wp-block-media-text__content{grid-column:1;grid-row:2}}
11 .wp-block-navigation Parse Error {--navigation-layout-justification-setting:flex-start;
11 .wp-block-navigation Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-direction:row;
11 .wp-block-navigation Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-wrap:wrap;
11 .wp-block-navigation Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-justify:flex-start;
11 .wp-block-navigation Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-align:center;
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :relative
11 position Parse Error relative}
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation-item Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation-item Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 Parse Error [where(:not([class*=has-text-decoration])) a]
11 Parse Error [where(:not([class*=has-text-decoration])) a:active]
11 Parse Error [where(:not([class*=has-text-decoration])) a:focus]
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon Property align-self doesn't exist : center center
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon svg Property stroke doesn't exist : currentColor currentColor
11 .wp-block-navigation.is-vertical Parse Error {--navigation-layout-direction:column;
11 .wp-block-navigation.is-vertical Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-justify:initial;
11 .wp-block-navigation.is-vertical Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-align:flex-start}
11 .wp-block-navigation.no-wrap Parse Error {--navigation-layout-wrap:nowrap}
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-center Parse Error {--navigation-layout-justification-setting:center;
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-center Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-justify:center}
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-center.is-vertical Parse Error {--navigation-layout-align:center}
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-right Parse Error {--navigation-layout-justification-setting:flex-end;
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-right Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-justify:flex-end}
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-right.is-vertical Parse Error {--navigation-layout-align:flex-end}
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-space-between Parse Error {--navigation-layout-justification-setting:space-between;
11 .wp-block-navigation.items-justified-space-between Parse Error ;--navigation-layout-justify:space-between}
11 .wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Property align-items doesn't exist : normal normal
11 .wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
11 .wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Property transition doesn't exist : opacity 0.1s linear opacity 0.1s linear
11 .wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container > .wp-block-navigation-item > .wp-block-navigation-item__content Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container > .wp-block-navigation-item > .wp-block-navigation-item__content Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
11 Parse Error (min-width:782px){.wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container{left:100%;top:-1px}.wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container:before{background:transparent;content:"";display:block;height:100%;position:absolute;right:100%;width:.5em}.wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon{margin-right:.25em}.wp-block-navigation .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon svg{transform:rotate(-90deg)}}
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :focus-within
11 Parse Error (min-width:782px){.wp-block-navigation.has-background .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container{left:100%;top:0}}
11 .wp-block-navigation-submenu Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation-submenu .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon svg Property stroke doesn't exist : currentColor currentColor
11 .wp-block-navigation-item.open-on-click .wp-block-navigation-submenu__toggle + .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-page-list, .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-close, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-dialog Property gap doesn't exist : inherit inherit
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation.has-background .wp-block-navigation-item a:not(.wp-element-button))]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation.has-background .wp-block-navigation-submenu a:not(.wp-element-button))]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation-item a:not(.wp-element-button))]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation-submenu a:not(.wp-element-button))]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation-submenu button.wp-block-navigation-item__content)]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-pages-list__item button.wp-block-navigation-item__content)]
11 Parse Error (min-width:782px){.wp-block-navigation.items-justified-right .wp-block-navigation__container .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container,.wp-block-navigation.items-justified-right .wp-block-page-list>.has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container,.wp-block-navigation.items-justified-space-between .wp-block-page-list>.has-child:last-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container,.wp-block-navigation.items-justified-space-between>.wp-block-navigation__container>.has-child:last-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container{left:auto;right:100%}}
11 .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Value Error : border Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.15) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.15)
11 .wp-block-navigation__container Parse Error --navigation-layout-align,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation__container Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation__container Parse Error --navigation-layout-direction,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation__container Parse Error --navigation-layout-wrap,wrap)
11 .wp-block-navigation__container Parse Error --navigation-layout-justify,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation__container:only-child, .wp-block-page-list:only-child Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
11 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-navigation-item a)]
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Parse Error --navigation-layout-align,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Parse Error --navigation-layout-direction,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Parse Error --navigation-layout-wrap,wrap)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Parse Error --navigation-layout-justify,initial)
11 Parse Error [.is-menu-open.is-menu-open)]
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open Property animation doesn't exist : overlay-menu__fade-in-animation 0.1s ease-out overlay-menu__fade-in-animation 0.1s ease-out
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open Property animation-fill-mode doesn't exist : forwards forwards
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open Value Error : padding Parse Error --wp--style--root--padding-top),20rem) clamp(1rem,var(--wp--style--root--padding-right),20rem) clamp(1rem,var(--wp--style--root--padding-bottom),20rem) clamp(1rem,var(--wp--style--root--padding-left),20em)
11 Parse Error (prefers-reduced-motion:reduce){.wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open{animation-delay:0s;animation-duration:1ms}}
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Parse Error --navigation-layout-justification-setting,inherit)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : nowrap nowrap
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension 2rem
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content Value Error : padding-top Parse Error + 24px)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-page-list Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Value Error : padding-left Unknown dimension 2rem
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .has-child .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Value Error : padding-right Unknown dimension 2rem
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Property gap doesn't exist : inherit inherit
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container Value Error : padding-top Parse Error --wp--style--block-gap,2em)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation-item, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-page-list Parse Error --navigation-layout-justification-setting,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation-item, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-page-list Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation-item, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-content .wp-block-page-list Property flex-direction doesn't exist : column column
11 Parse Error (min-width:600px){.wp-block-navigation__responsive-container:not(.hidden-by-default):not(.is-menu-open){background-color:inherit;display:block;position:relative;width:100%;z-index:auto}.wp-block-navigation__responsive-container:not(.hidden-by-default):not(.is-menu-open) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-close{display:none}.wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container.wp-block-navigation__submenu-container.wp-block-navigation__submenu-container.wp-block-navigation__submenu-container{left:0}}
11 .wp-block-navigation__toggle_button_label Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-close svg, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-open svg Property fill doesn't exist : currentColor currentColor
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-close svg, .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-open svg Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none
11 .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-open Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 Parse Error (min-width:600px){.wp-block-navigation__responsive-container-open:not(.always-shown){display:none}}
11 .has-modal-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-close Value Error : max-width Parse Error --wp--style--global--wide-size,100%)
11 Parse Error (min-width:782px){.has-modal-open .admin-bar .is-menu-open .wp-block-navigation__responsive-dialog{margin-top:32px}}
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation-item__label Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-page-list Parse Error --navigation-layout-align,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-page-list Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-page-list Parse Error --navigation-layout-direction,initial)
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-page-list Parse Error --navigation-layout-wrap,wrap)
11 .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-page-list Parse Error --navigation-layout-justify,initial)
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :where
11 Parse Error [p.has-text-color:not(.has-link-color)) a]
11 p.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode:vertical-lr"], p.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode:vertical-rl"] Property rotate doesn't exist : 180deg 180deg
11 .wp-block-post-author Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-post-author Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
11 .wp-block-post-author__content Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .wp-block-post-author__content Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 Parse Error [where(.comment-reply-title)]
11 .wp-block-post-comments-form input[type="submit"] Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
11 .wp-block-post-comments-form input:not([type="submit"]):not([type="checkbox"]), .wp-block-post-comments-form textarea Value Error : padding Parse Error + 2px)
11 .wp-block-post-comments-form .comment-form-cookies-consent Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-post-comments-form .comment-form-cookies-consent Property gap doesn't exist : 0.25em 0.25em
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :where
11 .wp-block-post-comments-form .comment-reply-title Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--medium,smaller)
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-excerpt)]
11 .wp-block-post-excerpt__more-text Value Error : margin-top Parse Error --wp--style--block-gap)
11 .wp-block-post-featured-image .wp-block-post-featured-image__overlay.has-background-dim Property inset doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .alignright Parse Error [where(.alignleft]
11 .alignright Parse Error .alignright){width:100%}
11 .wp-block-post-navigation-link .wp-block-post-navigation-link__arrow-previous Value Error : margin-right Unknown dimension 1ch
11 .wp-block-post-navigation-link .wp-block-post-navigation-link__arrow-previous:not(.is-arrow-chevron) Property transform doesn't exist : scaleX(1) scaleX(1)
11 .wp-block-post-navigation-link .wp-block-post-navigation-link__arrow-next Value Error : margin-left Unknown dimension 1ch
11 .wp-block-post-navigation-link .wp-block-post-navigation-link__arrow-next:not(.is-arrow-chevron) Property transform doesn't exist : scaleX(1) scaleX(1)
11 .wp-block-post-navigation-link.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode: vertical-lr"], .wp-block-post-navigation-link.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode: vertical-rl"] Property rotate doesn't exist : 180deg 180deg
11 .wp-block-post-title break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-preformatted.has-background)]
11 .wp-block-pullquote Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-pullquote)]
11 .wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container Property flex-direction doesn't exist : row row
11 .wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
11 .wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container Property gap doesn't exist : 1.25em 1.25em
11 Parse Error (min-width:600px){.wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container.is-flex-container.columns-2>li{width:calc(50% - .625em)}.wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container.is-flex-container.columns-3>li{width:calc(33.33333% - .83333em)}.wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container.is-flex-container.columns-4>li{width:calc(25% - .9375em)}.wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container.is-flex-container.columns-5>li{width:calc(20% - 1em)}.wp-block-post-template.is-flex-container.is-flex-container.columns-6>li{width:calc(16.66667% - 1.04167em)}}
11 Parse Error (max-width:600px){.wp-block-post-template-is-layout-grid.wp-block-post-template-is-layout-grid.wp-block-post-template-is-layout-grid.wp-block-post-template-is-layout-grid{grid-template-columns:1fr}}
11 .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-constrained > li > .alignright, .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-flow > li > .alignright Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-constrained > li > .alignright, .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-flow > li > .alignright Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : 2em 2em
11 .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-constrained > li > .alignleft, .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-flow > li > .alignleft Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : 2em 2em
11 .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-constrained > li > .alignleft, .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-flow > li > .alignleft Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-constrained > li > .aligncenter, .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-flow > li > .aligncenter Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : auto auto
11 .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-constrained > li > .aligncenter, .wp-block-post-template-is-layout-flow > li > .aligncenter Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : auto auto
11 .wp-block-query-pagination.is-content-justification-space-between > .wp-block-query-pagination-next:last-of-type Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : auto auto
11 .wp-block-query-pagination.is-content-justification-space-between > .wp-block-query-pagination-previous:first-child Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : auto auto
11 .wp-block-query-pagination .wp-block-query-pagination-previous-arrow Value Error : margin-right Unknown dimension 1ch
11 .wp-block-query-pagination .wp-block-query-pagination-previous-arrow:not(.is-arrow-chevron) Property transform doesn't exist : scaleX(1) scaleX(1)
11 .wp-block-query-pagination .wp-block-query-pagination-next-arrow Value Error : margin-left Unknown dimension 1ch
11 .wp-block-query-pagination .wp-block-query-pagination-next-arrow:not(.is-arrow-chevron) Property transform doesn't exist : scaleX(1) scaleX(1)
11 .wp-block-query-pagination.aligncenter Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
11 .wp-block-quote Property overflow-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain))]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain))]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain)) p]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain)) p]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain)) cite]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain)) footer]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain)) cite]
11 Parse Error [where(:not(.is-style-plain)) footer]
11 .wp-block-read-more Value Error : width -moz-fit-content is not a width value : -moz-fit-content -moz-fit-content
11 .wp-block-read-more Value Error : width fit-content is not a width value : fit-content fit-content
11 ul.wp-block-rss.is-grid Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 ul.wp-block-rss.is-grid Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
11 Parse Error (min-width:600px){ul.wp-block-rss.columns-2 li{width:calc(50% - 1em)}ul.wp-block-rss.columns-3 li{width:calc(33.33333% - 1em)}ul.wp-block-rss.columns-4 li{width:calc(25% - 1em)}ul.wp-block-rss.columns-5 li{width:calc(20% - 1em)}ul.wp-block-rss.columns-6 li{width:calc(16.66667% - 1em)}}
11 .wp-block-search__button svg Property fill doesn't exist : currentColor currentColor
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-search__button)]
11 .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper Property flex doesn't exist : auto auto
11 .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : nowrap nowrap
11 .wp-block-search__input Property appearance doesn't exist : none none
11 .wp-block-search__input Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 1 1
11 .wp-block-search__input Value Error : min-width Unknown dimension 3rem
11 .wp-block-search__input Value Error : text-decoration unset is not a text-decoration value : unset unset
11 .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button Property flex-shrink doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button Value Error : max-width Parse Error - 100px)
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper)]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input:focus]
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) :where(.wp-block-search__button)]
11 .wp-block-search__button-behavior-expand .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper Property transition-property doesn't exist : width width
11 .wp-block-search__button-behavior-expand .wp-block-search__input Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 100% 100%
11 .wp-block-search__button-behavior-expand .wp-block-search__input Property transition-duration doesn't exist : 0.3s 0.3s
11 .wp-block-search__button-behavior-expand.wp-block-search__searchfield-hidden .wp-block-search__input Property flex-basis doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .wp-block-search__button-behavior-expand.wp-block-search__searchfield-hidden .wp-block-search__input Property flex-grow doesn't exist : 0 0
11 .wp-block-site-logo a, .wp-block-site-logo img Parse Error [empty string]
11 .wp-block-site-logo.is-style-rounded Parse Error [empty string]
11 .wp-block-social-links.aligncenter Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-social-links.aligncenter Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
11 .wp-block-social-links.alignright Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
11 .wp-block-social-link Parse Error [empty string]
11 .wp-block-social-link Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.1s ease transform 0.1s ease
11 Parse Error (prefers-reduced-motion:reduce){.wp-block-social-link{transition-delay:0s;transition-duration:0s}}
11 .wp-block-social-link a Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
11 .wp-block-social-link a Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-social-link a Property transition doesn't exist : transform 0.1s ease transform 0.1s ease
11 .wp-block-social-link:hover Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.1) scale(1.1)
11 .wp-block-social-links .wp-block-social-link .wp-block-social-link-anchor, .wp-block-social-links .wp-block-social-link .wp-block-social-link-anchor svg, .wp-block-social-links .wp-block-social-link .wp-block-social-link-anchor:active, .wp-block-social-links .wp-block-social-link .wp-block-social-link-anchor:hover, .wp-block-social-links .wp-block-social-link .wp-block-social-link-anchor:visited Property fill doesn't exist : currentColor currentColor
11 .wp-block-social-links:not(.is-style-logos-only) .wp-social-link-snapchat Property stroke doesn't exist : #000 #000
11 .wp-block-social-links.is-style-logos-only .wp-social-link-snapchat Property stroke doesn't exist : #000 #000
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.aligncenter Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.is-style-outline Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.is-style-outline Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.is-style-outline Unknown dimension 1ch
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.is-style-outline a Value Error : font-size unset is not a font-size value : unset unset
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.is-style-outline a Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1ch
11 .wp-block-tag-cloud.is-style-outline a Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 2ch
11 .wp-block-table .has-fixed-layout td, .wp-block-table .has-fixed-layout th break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
11 .wp-block-table.aligncenter td, .wp-block-table.aligncenter th, .wp-block-table.alignleft td, .wp-block-table.alignleft th, .wp-block-table.alignright td, .wp-block-table.alignright th break-word is not a word-break value : break-word break-word
11 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-term-description)]
11 .wp-block-text-columns, .wp-block-text-columns.aligncenter Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :where
11 Parse Error [pre.wp-block-verse)]
11 Sorry, the at-rule @supports is not implemented.
11 a[data-fn].fn Value Error : display inline-flex is not a display value : inline-flex inline-flex
11 :root Parse Error {--wp--preset--font-size--normal:16px;
11 :root Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--huge:42px}
11 :root .has-vivid-green-cyan-to-vivid-cyan-blue-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#00d084,#0693e3) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#00d084,#0693e3) linear-gradient(135deg,#00d084,#0693e3)
11 :root .has-purple-crush-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#34e2e4,#4721fb 50%,#ab1dfe) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#34e2e4,#4721fb 50%,#ab1dfe) linear-gradient(135deg,#34e2e4,#4721fb 50%,#ab1dfe)
11 :root .has-hazy-dawn-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#faaca8,#dad0ec) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#faaca8,#dad0ec) linear-gradient(135deg,#faaca8,#dad0ec)
11 :root .has-subdued-olive-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#fafae1,#67a671) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#fafae1,#67a671) linear-gradient(135deg,#fafae1,#67a671)
11 :root .has-atomic-cream-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#fdd79a,#004a59) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#fdd79a,#004a59) linear-gradient(135deg,#fdd79a,#004a59)
11 :root .has-nightshade-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#330968,#31cdcf) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#330968,#31cdcf) linear-gradient(135deg,#330968,#31cdcf)
11 :root .has-midnight-gradient-background Value Error : background linear-gradient(135deg,#020381,#2874fc) is not a background value : linear-gradient(135deg,#020381,#2874fc) linear-gradient(135deg,#020381,#2874fc)
11 .has-normal-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--normal)
11 .has-huge-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--huge)
11 .items-justified-left Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-start flex-start
11 .items-justified-center Property justify-content doesn't exist : center center
11 .items-justified-right Property justify-content doesn't exist : flex-end flex-end
11 .items-justified-space-between Property justify-content doesn't exist : space-between space-between
11 .screen-reader-text Property word-wrap doesn't exist : normal normal
11 .screen-reader-text Property clip-path doesn't exist : inset(50%) inset(50%)
11 .screen-reader-text:focus Property clip-path doesn't exist : none none
11 Parse Error [where(.has-border-color)]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-top-color])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-right-color])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-bottom-color])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-left-color])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-width])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-top-width])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-right-width])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-bottom-width])]
11 Parse Error [where([style*=border-left-width])]
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :where
11 Parse Error [img[class*=wp-image-])]
11 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :where
11 Parse Error [where(.is-position-sticky)]
11 Value Error : max-width Parse Error [where(.is-position-sticky)]

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/

59 .wp-block-code Parse Error [empty string]
59 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-group.has-background)]
63 .wp-block-button__link Parse Error [empty string]
63 .wp-block-button__link Value Error : padding Parse Error + 2px) calc(1.333em + 2px)
66 body Parse Error {--wp--preset--color--black: #2f3633;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray: #abb8c3;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--white: #ffffff;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--pale-pink: #f78da7;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-red: #cf2e2e;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange: #ff6900;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber: #fcb900;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan: #7bdcb5;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan: #00d084;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue: #8ed1fc;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue: #0693e3;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--vivid-purple: #9b51e0;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--blue: #2c7dfa;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--green: #07d79c;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--orange: #ff8737;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--color--grey: #82868b;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(122,220,180) 0%,rgb(0,208,130) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(252,185,0,1) 0%,rgba(255,105,0,1) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(255,105,0,1) 0%,rgb(207,46,46) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(238,238,238) 0%,rgb(169,184,195) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--cool-to-warm-spectrum: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(74,234,220) 0%,rgb(151,120,209) 20%,rgb(207,42,186) 40%,rgb(238,44,130) 60%,rgb(251,105,98) 80%,rgb(254,248,76) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--blush-light-purple: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(255,206,236) 0%,rgb(152,150,240) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--blush-bordeaux: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(254,205,165) 0%,rgb(254,45,45) 50%,rgb(107,0,62) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-dusk: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(255,203,112) 0%,rgb(199,81,192) 50%,rgb(65,88,208) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--pale-ocean: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(255,245,203) 0%,rgb(182,227,212) 50%,rgb(51,167,181) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--electric-grass: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(202,248,128) 0%,rgb(113,206,126) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--gradient--midnight: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(2,3,129) 0%,rgb(40,116,252) 100%);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--small: 12px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--medium: 20px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--large: 36px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--x-large: 42px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--regular: 16px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--larger: 36px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--font-size--huge: 48px;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--20: 0.44rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--30: 0.67rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--40: 1rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--50: 1.5rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--60: 2.25rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--70: 3.38rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--spacing--80: 5.06rem;
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--natural: 6px 6px 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--deep: 12px 12px 50px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--sharp: 6px 6px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--outlined: 6px 6px 0px -3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
66 body Parse Error ;--wp--preset--shadow--crisp: 6px 6px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
66 body Parse Error ;}
66 Parse Error [where(.is-layout-flex)]
66 Parse Error [where(.is-layout-grid)]
66 body .is-layout-flow > .alignleft Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : 0 0
66 body .is-layout-flow > .alignleft Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : 2em 2em
66 body .is-layout-flow > .alignright Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : 2em 2em
66 body .is-layout-flow > .alignright Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : 0 0
66 body .is-layout-constrained > .alignleft Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : 0 0
66 body .is-layout-constrained > .alignleft Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : 2em 2em
66 body .is-layout-constrained > .alignright Property margin-inline-start doesn't exist : 2em 2em
66 body .is-layout-constrained > .alignright Property margin-inline-end doesn't exist : 0 0
66 Parse Error [where(:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.alignfull))]
66 body .is-layout-constrained > .alignwide Value Error : max-width Parse Error --wp--style--global--wide-size)
66 body .is-layout-flex Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
66 body .is-layout-flex Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
66 body .is-layout-flex Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
66 body .is-layout-grid Value Error : display grid is not a display value : grid grid
66 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-flex)]
66 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-grid)]
66 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-flex)]
66 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-grid)]
66 .has-black-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--black) !important
66 .has-cyan-bluish-gray-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray) !important
66 .has-white-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--white) !important
66 .has-pale-pink-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-pink) !important
66 .has-vivid-red-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-red) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber) !important
66 .has-light-green-cyan-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-vivid-green-cyan-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-pale-cyan-blue-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue) !important
66 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue) !important
66 .has-vivid-purple-color Value Error : color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-purple) !important
66 .has-black-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--black) !important
66 .has-cyan-bluish-gray-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray) !important
66 .has-white-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--white) !important
66 .has-pale-pink-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-pink) !important
66 .has-vivid-red-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-red) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber) !important
66 .has-light-green-cyan-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-vivid-green-cyan-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-pale-cyan-blue-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue) !important
66 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue) !important
66 .has-vivid-purple-background-color Value Error : background-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-purple) !important
66 .has-black-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--black) !important
66 .has-cyan-bluish-gray-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray) !important
66 .has-white-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--white) !important
66 .has-pale-pink-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-pink) !important
66 .has-vivid-red-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-red) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber) !important
66 .has-light-green-cyan-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-vivid-green-cyan-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-pale-cyan-blue-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue) !important
66 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue) !important
66 .has-vivid-purple-border-color Value Error : border-color Parse Error --wp--preset--color--vivid-purple) !important
66 .has-vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple) !important
66 .has-light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange) !important
66 .has-luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red) !important
66 .has-very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray) !important
66 .has-cool-to-warm-spectrum-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--cool-to-warm-spectrum) !important
66 .has-blush-light-purple-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--blush-light-purple) !important
66 .has-blush-bordeaux-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--blush-bordeaux) !important
66 .has-luminous-dusk-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--luminous-dusk) !important
66 .has-pale-ocean-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--pale-ocean) !important
66 .has-electric-grass-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--electric-grass) !important
66 .has-midnight-gradient-background Value Error : background Parse Error --wp--preset--gradient--midnight) !important
66 .has-small-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--small) !important
66 .has-medium-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--medium) !important
66 .has-large-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--large) !important
66 .has-x-large-font-size Value Error : font-size Parse Error --wp--preset--font-size--x-large) !important
67 Parse Error [where(:not(.wp-element-button))]
68 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-flex)]
68 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-post-template.is-layout-grid)]
69 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-flex)]
69 Parse Error [where(.wp-block-columns.is-layout-grid)]

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/assets/css/slick.css?ver=6.4.5

17 .slick-slider Property touch-action doesn't exist : pan-y pan-y
38 .slick-list.dragging Value Error : cursor hand is not a cursor value : hand hand
48 .slick-slider .slick-track, .slick-slider .slick-list Property transform doesn't exist : translate3d(0,0,0) translate3d(0,0,0)
99 .slick-slide.dragging img Property pointer-events doesn't exist : none none

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/assets/css/slick-theme.css?ver=6.4.5

38 .slick-prev, .slick-next Property transform doesn't exist : translate(0,-50%) translate(0,-50%)

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css?ver=6.4.5

4 .fa Property text-rendering doesn't exist : auto auto
4 .fa-border Parse Error [empty string]
4 .fa-spin Property animation doesn't exist : fa-spin 2s infinite linear fa-spin 2s infinite linear
4 .fa-pulse Property animation doesn't exist : fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8) fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)
4 Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented.
4 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
4 .fa-rotate-90 Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(90deg) rotate(90deg)
4 .fa-rotate-180 Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(180deg) rotate(180deg)
4 .fa-rotate-270 Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(270deg) rotate(270deg)
4 .fa-flip-horizontal Property transform doesn't exist : scale(-1,1) scale(-1,1)
4 .fa-flip-vertical Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1,-1) scale(1,-1)
4 :root .fa-rotate-90, :root .fa-rotate-180, :root .fa-rotate-270, :root .fa-flip-horizontal, :root .fa-flip-vertical Property filter doesn't exist : none none

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/assets/css/blocks.min.css?ver=6.4.5

77 .wp-block-gallery.aligncenter Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
119 .wp-block-cover-image.alignright, .wp-block-cover.alignright, .wp-block-cover-image.alignleft, .wp-block-cover.alignleft, .wp-block-cover-image.aligncenter, .wp-block-cover.aligncenter Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
129 .no-sidebar .wp-block-cover.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-image.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-gallery.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-pullquote.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-table.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-audio.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-categories.alignfull Value Error : width Unknown dimension 100vw
130 .no-sidebar .wp-block-cover.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-image.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-gallery.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-pullquote.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-table.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-audio.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-categories.alignfull Value Error : max-width Unknown dimension 100vw
131 .no-sidebar .wp-block-cover.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-image.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-gallery.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-pullquote.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-table.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-audio.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-categories.alignfull Value Error : margin-left Unknown dimension 100vw
131 .no-sidebar .wp-block-cover.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-image.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-gallery.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-pullquote.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-table.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-audio.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-categories.alignfull Value Error : margin-left Parse Error + 100% / 2 )
132 .no-sidebar .wp-block-cover.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-image.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-gallery.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-pullquote.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-table.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-audio.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-categories.alignfull Value Error : margin-right Unknown dimension 100vw
132 .no-sidebar .wp-block-cover.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-image.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-gallery.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-pullquote.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-table.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-audio.alignfull, .no-sidebar .wp-block-categories.alignfull Value Error : margin-right Parse Error + 100% / 2 )
135 .no-sidebar .wp-block-embed.is-type-video.alignfull iframe Value Error : width Unknown dimension 100vw
136 .no-sidebar .wp-block-embed.is-type-video.alignfull iframe Value Error : max-width Unknown dimension 100vw
137 .no-sidebar .wp-block-embed.is-type-video.alignfull iframe Value Error : margin-left Unknown dimension 100vw
137 .no-sidebar .wp-block-embed.is-type-video.alignfull iframe Value Error : margin-left Parse Error + 100% / 2 ) !important
138 .no-sidebar .wp-block-embed.is-type-video.alignfull iframe Value Error : margin-right Unknown dimension 100vw
138 .no-sidebar .wp-block-embed.is-type-video.alignfull iframe Value Error : margin-right Parse Error + 100% / 2 ) !important
171 .wp-block-file .wp-block-file__button Parse Error [empty string]
177 .wp-block-file .wp-block-file__button Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.875rem
182 .wp-block-file .wp-block-file__button Property transition doesn't exist : background-color 0.2s ease-in-out background-color 0.2s ease-in-out
261 .wp-block-button__link Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
317 .wp-block-latest-comments .avatar, .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-avatar Parse Error [empty string]
328 .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-meta Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
341 .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-date Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.625rem
350 .editor-block-list__block .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-excerpt p Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.875rem
406 .has-larger-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.25rem
410 .has-huge-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 3rem
420 .has-larger-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.875rem
424 .has-huge-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.375rem
430 .has-larger-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
434 .has-huge-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.75rem
441 .has-larger-font-size, .has-huge-font-size Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
457 .wp-block-buttons Value Error : margin-top Unknown dimension 3rem
459 .wp-block-buttons Value Error : margin-bottom Unknown dimension 3rem
495 .wp-block-separator.is-style-dots::before Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 3.2rem
501 .wp-block-separator.is-style-dots::before Property transform doesn't exist : none none

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/style.css?ver=6.4.5

97 #preloader span Property animation doesn't exist : preloader 1.5s infinite ease-in-out preloader 1.5s infinite ease-in-out
102 #preloader span:nth-child(2) Property animation-delay doesn't exist : 0.2s 0.2s
106 #preloader span:nth-child(3) Property animation-delay doesn't exist : 0.4s 0.4s
110 #preloader span:nth-child(4) Property animation-delay doesn't exist : 0.6s 0.6s
114 #preloader span:nth-child(5) Property animation-delay doesn't exist : 0.8s 0.8s
120 .loader-container svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
125 .loader-container svg Property animation doesn't exist : rotating 2s linear infinite rotating 2s linear infinite
128 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
135 Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented.
147 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
174 #LBloadmore svg.latest-posts-loader, .blog-loader svg Property animation doesn't exist : infinitepreloader 1.5s infinite ease-in-out infinitepreloader 1.5s infinite ease-in-out
176 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
195 .backtotop Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.7s ease-in-out all 0.7s ease-in-out
204 .backtotop svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
207 Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented.
215 Sorry, the at-rule @keyframes is not implemented.
432 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
433 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-moz-focus-inner [-moz-focus-inner]
448 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-inner-spin-button [-webkit-inner-spin-button]
449 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-outer-spin-button [-webkit-outer-spin-button]
453 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-search-cancel-button [-webkit-search-cancel-button]
454 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::-webkit-search-decoration [-webkit-search-decoration]
529 body, button, input, select, textarea Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.125rem
531 body, button, input, select, textarea Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
558 pre Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9375rem
572 code, kbd, tt, var Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9375rem
697 button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] Parse Error [empty string]
703 button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
747 input[type="text"], input[type="email"], input[type="url"], input[type="password"], input[type="search"], input[type="number"], input[type="tel"], input[type="range"], input[type="date"], input[type="month"], input[type="week"], input[type="time"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="color"], textarea Parse Error [empty string]
818 #respond .comment-form-cookies-consent input[type="checkbox"], .comment-form-cookies-consent input[type="checkbox"] Value Error : min-height auto is not a min-height value : auto auto
859 #top-navigation Value Error : border-bottom Invalid RGB function )
872 #top-navigation .menu-toggle svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
901 #masthead Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
928 .site-title a Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
948 .site-logo img Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
963 .main-navigation ul#primary-menu li:hover > svg, .main-navigation ul#primary-menu li:focus > svg, .main-navigation li.menu-item-has-children:hover > a > svg, .main-navigation li.menu-item-has-children > a:hover > svg, .main-navigation li.menu-item-has-children > a:focus > svg, .main-navigation ul#primary-menu > li.current-menu-item > a > svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
998 .main-navigation .search-menu svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1003 .main-navigation li.search-menu a:hover svg, .main-navigation li.search-menu a.search-active:hover svg, .main-navigation ul#primary-menu li.search-menu:hover > a.search-active svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1006 .main-navigation li.search-menu a.search-active svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1042 .main-navigation .count Parse Error [empty string]
1048 #masthead ul.nav-menu > li.cart-menu > a Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
1062 #masthead ul.nav-menu > li.cart-menu > a:hover svg, #masthead ul.nav-menu > li.cart-menu > a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1067 .main-navigation ul#primary-menu a:hover, .main-navigation ul#primary-menu a:focus Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
1079 input.search-field Parse Error [empty string]
1099 svg.icon-search, svg.icon-close Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1104 .main-navigation svg.icon-down Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1110 .main-navigation .sub-menu svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
1118 .main-navigation .sub-menu svg Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) rotate(-180deg) translateY(-50%) rotate(-180deg)
1121 .menu-toggle Parse Error [empty string]
1139 .menu-toggle svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1165 button.dropdown-toggle:hover, button.dropdown-toggle:focus Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
1186 .main-navigation .dropdown-toggle.active > svg Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(180deg) rotate(180deg)
1191 .main-navigation .dropdown-toggle.active > svg Property transform-origin doesn't exist : 50% 50% 50% 50%
1198 .menu-overlay Property transition doesn't exist : 0.5s ease-in-out 0.5s ease-in-out
1282 .pagination .prev.page-numbers img Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-180deg) rotate(-180deg)
1287 .pagination img Property filter doesn't exist : grayscale(100%) grayscale(100%)
1293 .pagination a:hover img, .pagination a:focus img Property filter doesn't exist : grayscale(0) grayscale(0)
1326 .navigation.posts-navigation Parse Error [empty string]
1353 .navigation.post-navigation a:hover svg, .navigation.posts-navigation a:hover svg, .navigation.post-navigation a:focus svg, .navigation.posts-navigation a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #904f31 #904f31
1365 .screen-reader-text Property word-wrap doesn't exist : normal normal
1370 .screen-reader-text:focus Parse Error [empty string]
1371 .screen-reader-text:focus 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 0 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
1376 .screen-reader-text:focus Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.875rem
1497 .widget input Parse Error [empty string]
1509 form.search-form button.search-submit Parse Error [empty string]
1513 form.search-form button.search-submit svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1523 form.search-form button.search-submit:hover svg, form.search-form button.search-submit:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1704 .widget_popular_post img, .widget_latest_post img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1719 .widget_featured_courses .image-wrapper img, .widget_popular_courses .image-wrapper img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
1721 .widget_featured_courses .image-wrapper img, .widget_popular_courses .image-wrapper img Parse Error [empty string]
1753 #colophon .widget .social-icons li a:hover svg, #colophon .widget .social-icons li a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
1786 #secondary .widget li:not(:last-child) Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
1793 #secondary .widget_social_icons ul Value Error : display -webkit-flex is not a display value : -webkit-flex -webkit-flex
1794 #secondary .widget_social_icons ul Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
1795 #secondary .widget_social_icons ul Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
1796 #secondary .widget_social_icons ul Property justify-content doesn't exist : space-between space-between
1797 #secondary .widget_social_icons ul Property flex-direction doesn't exist : row row
1829 li.wp-block-latest-comments__comment Value Error : display inline-flex is not a display value : inline-flex inline-flex
1990 .navigation.pagination svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
1999 .navigation.pagination a:hover svg, .navigation.pagination a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
2008 .navigation.pagination .prev svg, .navigation.posts-navigation .nav-previous svg, .navigation.post-navigation .nav-previous svg Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-90deg) rotate(-90deg)
2021 .navigation.pagination .next svg, .navigation.posts-navigation .nav-next svg, .navigation.post-navigation .nav-next svg Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(90deg) rotate(90deg)
2027 .navigation.posts-navigation svg, .navigation.post-navigation svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
2059 .single-post-wrapper article .author-image img Parse Error [empty string]
2070 .single-post-wrapper span.posted-on svg, .single-post-wrapper span.cat-links svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
2083 .single-post-wrapper span.posted-on a:hover svg, .single-post-wrapper span.posted-on a:focus svg, .single-post-wrapper span.cat-links:hover svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
2205 .author-content .social-icons li a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
2232 .comment-content a Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
2287 .comment-meta img Parse Error [empty string]
2328 .reply a Parse Error [empty string]
2335 .reply a Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
2386 .comment-content Parse Error [empty string]
2469 .section-title Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
2507 .btn Parse Error [empty string]
2516 .btn Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
2673 .social-icons li a Parse Error [empty string]
2681 .social-icons li a:hover svg, .social-icons li a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
2685 .social-icons li a:hover svg, .social-icons li a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
2688 .social-icons li a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #efae90 #efae90
2778 .social-icons li a[href*="instagram.com"]:hover, .social-icons li a[href*="instagram.com"]:focus, #blogmax_our_team_section li a[href*="instagram.com"] Value Error : background radial-gradient(circle at 30% 107%,#fdf497 0%,#fdf497 5%,#fd5949 45%,#d6249f 60%,#285aeb 90%) is not a background value : radial-gradient(circle at 30% 107%,#fdf497 0%,#fdf497 5%,#fd5949 45%,#d6249f 60%,#285aeb 90%) radial-gradient(circle at 30% 107%,#fdf497 0%,#fdf497 5%,#fd5949 45%,#d6249f 60%,#285aeb 90%)
2883 #page-site-header .wrapper Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
2950 .featured-content-wrapper Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
3012 .slick-prev:before, .slick-next:before Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-90deg) rotate(-90deg)
3019 .slick-prev:before Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(90deg) rotate(90deg)
3024 .slick-prev:before Property transform-origin doesn't exist : 50% 50% 50% 50%
3031 .slick-prev, .slick-next Parse Error [empty string]
3038 .slick-prev, .slick-next Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
3042 .slick-arrow Parse Error [empty string]
3060 #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow Parse Error [empty string]
3079 #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-prev:hover:before, #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-next:hover:before, #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-prev:focus:before, #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-next:focus:before Property filter doesn't exist : brightness(0) invert(1) brightness(0) invert(1)
3093 ul.slick-dots li button Parse Error [empty string]
3099 #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li button Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
3185 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow Parse Error [empty string]
3186 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow Invalid RGB function )
3205 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow:before Property filter doesn't exist : grayscale(1) grayscale(1)
3289 #blogmax_gallery_section article .overlay Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
3299 #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
3305 #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link Parse Error [empty string]
3336 #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
3354 #blogmax_gallery_section .featured-image img Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
3362 #blogmax_gallery_section .gallery-item-wrapper:hover .featured-image img, #blogmax_gallery_section .gallery-item-wrapper:focus .featured-image img Property transform doesn't exist : scale(1.2) scale(1.2)
3434 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article.no-post-thumbnail .featured-post-item Parse Error [empty string]
3471 #blogmax_featured_posts_section .entry-footer Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
3472 #blogmax_featured_posts_section .entry-footer Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
3473 #blogmax_featured_posts_section .entry-footer Property justify-content doesn't exist : space-between space-between
3581 .video-button a Parse Error [empty string]
3590 .video-button svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
3626 #blogmax_our_team_section .team-item-wrapper Parse Error [empty string]
3656 #blogmax_our_team_section .social-icons svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
3695 #blogmax_counter_section .counter-icon Parse Error [empty string]
3696 #blogmax_counter_section .counter-icon Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
3764 #blogmax_testimonial_section .featured-image img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
3766 #blogmax_testimonial_section .featured-image img Parse Error [empty string]
3815 #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li button Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
3818 #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
3842 #blogmax_contact_section .contact-information i Parse Error [empty string]
3870 #blogmax_contact_section input[type="text"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="email"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="url"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="password"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="search"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="number"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="tel"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="range"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="date"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="month"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="week"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="time"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="datetime"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="datetime-local"], #blogmax_contact_section input[type="color"], #blogmax_contact_section textarea Parse Error [empty string]
3893 #blogmax_information_section .featured-image img Parse Error [empty string]
3924 #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(45deg) rotate(45deg)
3926 #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before Property transform-origin doesn't exist : center center center center
3928 #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before Property transition doesn't exist : margin-left 0.45s ease-in-out 0,opacity 0.75s ease-in-out 0 margin-left 0.45s ease-in-out 0,opacity 0.75s ease-in-out 0
3938 #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image Property transform doesn't exist : translateX(10px) translateX(10px)
3940 #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s linear 0 all 0.3s linear 0
3944 #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail:hover .featured-image Property transform doesn't exist : translateX(0) translateX(0)
4049 .post-item-wrapper .read-more Property transform doesn't exist : translate(-50%,-50%) translate(-50%,-50%)
4054 .post-item-wrapper .read-more Property transition doesn't exist : all 0.3s ease-in-out all 0.3s ease-in-out
4085 .single-wrapper .entry-meta span svg Property fill doesn't exist : #82868b #82868b
4166 .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale Value Error : min-width auto is not a min-width value : auto auto
4167 .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale Value Error : min-height auto is not a min-height value : auto auto
4170 .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale Parse Error [empty string]
4233 .woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button Parse Error [empty string]
4365 .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale Value Error : min-width auto is not a min-width value : auto auto
4366 .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale Value Error : min-height auto is not a min-height value : auto auto
4369 .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale Parse Error [empty string]
4436 body:not(.dark-version) #blogmax_popular_products_section .slick-arrow:before Property filter doesn't exist : none none
4531 .category-title Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
4573 #blogmax_trending_products_section .featured-image img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
4706 #blogmax_featured_products_section .entry-container Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
4855 #blogmax_highlighted_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_trending_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_recent_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_popular_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_sports_section .featured-image img, #blogmax_three_column_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_two_column_posts .featured-image img, #magazine-latest-posts .featured-image img Parse Error [empty string]
4858 #blogmax_highlighted_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_trending_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_recent_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_popular_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_sports_section .featured-image img, #blogmax_three_column_posts .featured-image img, #blogmax_two_column_posts .featured-image img, #magazine-latest-posts .featured-image img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
4869 #blogmax_highlighted_posts .entry-container Value Error : background-image linear-gradient(transparent,rgba(0,0,0,0.7)) is not a background-image value : linear-gradient(transparent,rgba(0,0,0,0.7)) linear-gradient(transparent,rgba(0,0,0,0.7))
5018 #blogmax_trending_posts .posted-on a, #blogmax_recent_posts .posted-on a, #blogmax_popular_posts .posted-on a, #blogmax_sports_section .posted-on a, #blogmax_three_column_posts .posted-on a, #blogmax_two_column_posts .posted-on a, #magazine-latest-posts .posted-on a, #blogmax_most_viewed_posts .posted-on Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
5053 #blogmax_trending_posts .entry-content, #blogmax_recent_posts .entry-content, #blogmax_popular_posts .entry-content, #blogmax_sports_section .entry-content, #blogmax_three_column_posts .entry-content, #blogmax_two_column_posts .entry-content, #magazine-latest-posts .entry-content Parse Error [empty string]
5170 .fourth-design .site-branding-wrapper Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
5171 .fourth-design .site-branding-wrapper Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
5172 .fourth-design .site-branding-wrapper Property justify-content doesn't exist : space-between space-between
5173 .fourth-design .site-branding-wrapper Value Error : border-bottom Invalid RGB function )
5192 #blogmax_highlighted_posts article .featured-image img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
5225 #colophon Value Error : color Invalid RGB function )
5233 #colophon a, #colophon p, #colophon li Value Error : color Invalid RGB function )
5253 #colophon .social-icons li a svg Invalid RGB function )
5257 #colophon .social-icons li a:hover svg, #colophon .social-icons li a:focus svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
5272 #colophon .footer-logo-wrapper Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
5273 #colophon .footer-logo-wrapper Property align-items doesn't exist : center center
5274 #colophon .footer-logo-wrapper Value Error : border-bottom Invalid RGB function )
5277 .footer-widgets-area .social-icons li a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
5282 .site-info Value Error : border-top Invalid RGB function )
5338 .site-info .social-icons li a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
5510 .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li button Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
5622 .dark-version button.menu-toggle svg, .dark-version .main-navigation .search-menu > a > svg, .dark-version .main-navigation li.search-menu a.search-active svg, .dark-version .navigation.posts-navigation svg, .dark-version .navigation.post-navigation svg, .dark-version .navigation.post-navigation a:hover svg, .dark-version .navigation.posts-navigation a:hover svg, .dark-version .navigation.post-navigation a:focus svg, .dark-version .navigation.posts-navigation a:focus svg, .dark-version .navigation.pagination svg, .dark-version .footer-widgets-area .social-icons li a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
5706 .dark-version button.dropdown-toggle:hover, .dark-version button.dropdown-toggle:focus Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
5711 .dark-version .site-branding Value Error : border-bottom-color Invalid RGB function )
5743 .dark-version .main-navigation ul#primary-menu > li > a > svg, .dark-version .main-navigation li.search-menu a:hover svg, .dark-version .main-navigation li.search-menu a.search-active:hover svg, .dark-version .main-navigation ul#primary-menu li.search-menu:hover > a.search-active svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
5838 blockquote.alignright Value Error : width Parse Error - 0.736842105em)
5839 blockquote.alignright Value Error : width Parse Error - 0.736842105em)
5972 #blogmax_information_section .featured-image img Property object-fit doesn't exist : cover cover
5986 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(1n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
5990 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
5991 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
5992 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
5996 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(3n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6000 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6001 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6002 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6006 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(5n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6010 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(6n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6011 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(6n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6015 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(7n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6019 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(8n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6020 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(8n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6021 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(8n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6052 .site-info Value Error : display flex is not a display value : flex flex
6053 .site-info Property flex-wrap doesn't exist : wrap wrap
6122 #blogmax_working_process_section article.no-post-thumbnail .entry-container Parse Error [empty string]
6132 #blogmax_working_process_section article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6133 #blogmax_working_process_section article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6182 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(1n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6183 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(1n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6184 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(1n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6187 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(3n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6188 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(3n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6189 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(3n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6192 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6195 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(5n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6196 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(5n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6197 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(5n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6200 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article:nth-child(6n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6256 #top-navigation .social-icons a svg Property transform doesn't exist : none none
6263 #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu ul li a:hover, #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu ul li a:focus Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
6266 #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu > li > a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #2d3039 #2d3039
6285 #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu > li.current-menu-item > a svg, #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu > li > a:hover svg, #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu > li:hover > a svg, #top-navigation .main-navigation ul.nav-menu > li > a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
6307 #top-navigation .social-icons li a svg Property fill doesn't exist : #fff #fff
6339 .main-navigation ul.sub-menu > li:not(:last-child) Value Error : border-bottom Too many values or values are not recognized : 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
6349 .main-navigation .sub-menu svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
6380 .main-navigation ul.nav-menu ul li a svg Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(-90deg) rotate(-90deg)
6386 .main-navigation ul#primary-menu ul li.current-menu-item > a, .main-navigation ul#primary-menu ul li:hover > a, .main-navigation ul#primary-menu ul li:focus > a Value Error : background-color Invalid RGB function )
6390 .main-navigation ul ul 0 is not a box-shadow value : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
6394 .main-navigation ul ul li.menu-item-has-children:hover > a > svg, .main-navigation ul ul li.menu-item-has-children > a:hover > svg Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
6438 .main-navigation li.left-menu + li.right-menu:before Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
6463 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-current .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6464 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-current .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6467 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-current + .slick-slide .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6468 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-current + .slick-slide .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6471 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-current + .slick-slide + .slick-slide .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6472 #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-current + .slick-slide + .slick-slide .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6491 #blogmax_featured_slider_section .video-button Property transform doesn't exist : translateY(-50%) translateY(-50%)
6636 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(1n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6640 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6641 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6642 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(2n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6646 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(3n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6650 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6651 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6652 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(4n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6656 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(5n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6660 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(6n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6661 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(6n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6665 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(7n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6669 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(8n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6670 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(8n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6671 .archive-blog-wrapper article:nth-child(8n) .featured-image Parse Error [empty string]
6760 .site-wrapper Value Error : border-bottom Invalid RGB function )
6761 .site-wrapper Value Error : border-top Invalid RGB function )
6835 .main-navigation svg.icon-search, .main-navigation svg.icon-down Property fill doesn't exist : #000 #000
6865 .main-navigation .sub-menu svg Property transform doesn't exist : rotate(0) rotate(0)
6880 #blogmax_featured_posts_section article.no-post-thumbnail .featured-post-item Parse Error [empty string]

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/

99 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-border-radius: 3px;
100 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-border-style: solid;
101 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-border-size: 1px;
102 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-background-color: #ffffff;
103 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-border-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.25 );
104 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-border-color-spare: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.25 );
105 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-text-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.7 );
106 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-menu-color: #ffffff;
107 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.85 );
108 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-sublabel-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.55 );
109 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-error-color: #d63637;
110 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-border-radius: 3px;
111 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-border-style: none;
112 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-border-size: 1px;
113 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-background-color: #066aab;
114 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-border-color: #066aab;
115 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-text-color: #ffffff;
116 :root Parse Error --wpforms-page-break-color: #066aab;
117 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-image: none;
118 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-position: center center;
119 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-repeat: no-repeat;
120 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-size: cover;
121 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-width: 100px;
122 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-height: 100px;
123 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
124 :root Parse Error --wpforms-background-url: none;
125 :root Parse Error --wpforms-container-padding: 0px;
126 :root Parse Error --wpforms-container-border-style: none;
127 :root Parse Error --wpforms-container-border-width: 1px;
128 :root Parse Error --wpforms-container-border-color: #000000;
129 :root Parse Error --wpforms-container-border-radius: 3px;
130 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-input-height: 43px;
131 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-input-spacing: 15px;
132 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-font-size: 16px;
133 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-line-height: 19px;
134 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-padding-h: 14px;
135 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-checkbox-size: 16px;
136 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-sublabel-spacing: 5px;
137 :root Parse Error --wpforms-field-size-icon-size: 1;
138 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-size-font-size: 16px;
139 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-size-line-height: 19px;
140 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-size-sublabel-font-size: 14px;
141 :root Parse Error --wpforms-label-size-sublabel-line-height: 17px;
142 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-size-font-size: 17px;
143 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-size-height: 41px;
144 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-size-padding-h: 15px;
145 :root Parse Error --wpforms-button-size-margin-top: 10px;
146 :root Parse Error --wpforms-container-shadow-size-box-shadow: none;
148 :root Parse Error }

↑ Top

Warnings (24967)

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/

81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-loading .slick-list and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-lightbox-overlay .scrim and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_promotion_section .btn and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul.nav-menu and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child) and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section:after and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .navigation.posts-navigation and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .widget_categories .has-post-thumbnail a and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:focus and .site-title a
81 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:hover and .site-title a
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96 You should add a 'type' attribute with a value of 'text/css' to the 'style' element

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/assets/css/slick-theme.css?ver=6.4.5

36 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
37 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
45 .slick-next Same color for background-color and color
54 .slick-next:focus Same color for background-color and color
54 .slick-next:focus Same color for background-color and color
54 .slick-next:focus Same color for background-color and color
54 .slick-next:focus Same color for background-color and color
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79 Property -webkit-font-smoothing is an unknown vendor extension
80 Property -moz-osx-font-smoothing is an unknown vendor extension
169 .slick-dots li button Same color for background-color and color
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198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.menu-sticky #masthead.nav-shrink and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .pagination .page-numbers:focus and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-cover-image .has-background-dim:not([class*="-background-color"]) and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts form.search-form button.search-submit:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #magazine-latest-posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section article and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .author-name:after and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-post-featured-image .wp-block-post-featured-image__overlay.has-background-dim and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce span.onsale and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="angel.co"]:focus and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-cover .has-background-dim:not([class*="-background-color"]) and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .pagination .page-numbers:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #masthead ul.nav-menu > li.cart-menu > a:focus and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="codepen.io"]:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menu-toggle:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-social-links:not(.is-style-logos-only) .wp-social-link-fivehundredpx and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_gallery_section:before and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .video-button a and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_latest_posts_section and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce a.button and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts input[type="reset"] and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn:focus and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="angel.co"]:hover and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts form.search-form button.search-submit:focus and .slick-dots li button:before
198 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale and .slick-dots li button:before
200 Property -webkit-font-smoothing is an unknown vendor extension
201 Property -moz-osx-font-smoothing is an unknown vendor extension
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts input[type="reset"] and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_three_column_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_trending_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-post-featured-image .wp-block-post-featured-image__overlay.has-background-dim and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-social-links:not(.is-style-logos-only) .wp-social-link-fivehundredpx and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .video-button a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts form.search-form button.search-submit:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section article and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts input[type="submit"] and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_promotion_section:before and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce span.onsale and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .author-name:after and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .pagination .page-numbers.current and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .overlay and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child):focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_gallery_section:before and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .service-item-wrapper .entry-container .btn:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_sports_section ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-cover.has-background-dim:not([class*="-background-color"]) and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts form.search-form button.search-submit and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="angel.co"]:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child):hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_team_section li a[href*="angel.co"] and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation .count and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-cover .has-background-dim:not([class*="-background-color"]) and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_two_column_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section article .overlay and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_recent_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #masthead ul.nav-menu > li.cart-menu > a:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-social-links:not(.is-style-logos-only) .wp-social-link-tiktok and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_popular_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_latest_posts_section and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts ul.product-nav li.active a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.menu-sticky #masthead.nav-shrink and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-social-links:not(.is-style-logos-only) .wp-social-link-threads and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="codepen.io"]:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .backtotop and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-cover-image .has-background-dim:not([class*="-background-color"]) and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menu-toggle:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="angel.co"]:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_call_to_action_section:before and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce a.button and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .entry-meta > span:not(:last-child):after and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menu-toggle:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .social-icons li a[href*="codepen.io"]:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_gallery_slider_section and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .menu-overlay.active and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_highlighted_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .service-item-wrapper .entry-container .btn:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts span.discount-offer and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-cover-image.has-background-dim:not([class*="-background-color"]) and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .btn and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts button and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-arrow and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_our_partners_section and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce span.onsale and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce button.button and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .separator and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .pagination .page-numbers:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_most_viewed_posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts input[type="button"] and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-social-links:not(.is-style-logos-only) .wp-social-link-x and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_team_section li a[href*="codepen.com"] and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce input.button and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #masthead ul.nav-menu > li.cart-menu > a:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .menu-toggle:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .menu-toggle:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .pagination .page-numbers:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:focus and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts form.search-form button.search-submit:hover and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #magazine-latest-posts ul.post-categories li a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .woocommerce #respond input#submit and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before
206 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .reply a and .slick-dots li.slick-active button:before

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-content/themes/blogmax/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css?ver=6.4.5

4 Property -ms-filter is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-animation is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-filter is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-filter is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-font-smoothing is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-filter is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-animation is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -moz-osx-font-smoothing is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-filter is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -webkit-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Property -ms-transform is an unknown vendor extension
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .widget_categories .has-post-thumbnail a and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-lightbox-overlay .scrim and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_promotion_section .btn and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #loader and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul.nav-menu and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child) and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:before and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section:after and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-next and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .navigation.posts-navigation and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #preloader span and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .frame-layout #page and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:hover and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-loading .slick-list and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .fa-inverse
4 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .fa-inverse

URI : https://sportstotosite.pro/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.4.5

1 Property -webkit-backdrop-filter is an unknown vendor extension
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and section.wp-block-cover-image h2 a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:before and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:hover
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation and .wp-block-cover-image-text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .wp-block-cover-image-text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .wp-block-cover-image-text
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #loader and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child) and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section:after and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .widget_categories .has-post-thumbnail a and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #preloader span and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-next and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-loading .slick-list and .wp-block-cover-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #loader and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-lightbox-overlay .scrim and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_promotion_section .btn and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:before and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-next and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul.nav-menu and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child) and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-lightbox-overlay .scrim and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_promotion_section .btn and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section:after and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul.nav-menu and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .navigation.posts-navigation and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .navigation.posts-navigation and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .widget_categories .has-post-thumbnail a and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #preloader span and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:hover and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .wp-block-cover-text a
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1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-loading .slick-list and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #loader and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child) and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section:after and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .widget_categories .has-post-thumbnail a and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #preloader span and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .frame-layout #page and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:before and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-next and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-loading .slick-list and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:active
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-lightbox-overlay .scrim and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:hover
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_promotion_section .btn and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #loader and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul.nav-menu and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:hover and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:not(:first-child) and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:before and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section:after and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-next and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .navigation.posts-navigation and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version #blogmax_testimonial_section .slick-dots li.slick-active button and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-lightbox-overlay .scrim and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .widget_categories .has-post-thumbnail a and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_promotion_section .btn and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .reply a:hover and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul.nav-menu and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #preloader span and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .navigation.posts-navigation and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .frame-layout #page and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:hover and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .post-item-wrapper .btn and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__submenu-container and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version .btn:hover and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce a.button:hover and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_call_to_action_section:after and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-loading .slick-list and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_information_section article.has-post-thumbnail .featured-image:before and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:focus and .blocks-gallery-grid:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:focus and .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts body and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_our_partners_section .client-logo and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:focus and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce button.button:hover and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="submit"]:focus and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #loader and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .slick-prev and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_gallery_section .entry-header .more-link and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section .slick-arrow and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_featured_slider_section ul.slick-dots li.slick-active button and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce input.button:hover and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="button"]:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:hover and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation ul ul and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .boxed-layout #page and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .featured-content-wrapper .btn:first-child:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version.woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version button:hover and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #blogmax_working_process_section .entry-container and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .dark-version input[type="reset"]:focus and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .main-navigation form.search-form input and .wp-block-gallery:not(.has-nested-images) .blocks-gallery-item figcaption
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .wp-block-navigation:not(.has-background) .wp-block-navigation__responsive-container.is-menu-open and .wp-block-cover-image-text a:focus
1 Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts